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amtrak_logo (3K) Online Amtrak Schedules
Schedule effective: October 30, 2006

Reservations required on all trains. See your travel agent, call 1-800-USA-RAIL, or visit for reservations and fare information.

Amtrak's Northeast Corridor

Acela Express and Regional Trains

Boston - New York - Washington

Includes all service from New Haven.

Reservations required on trains marked R.

Washington schedules offer additional New York - Philadelphia 
and New York - Washington service.

[Return to schedule index]

Train Name                                       Acela                              
                             Regional Regional  Express Regional Regional Regional
Train Number                   R143     R195     R2251    R145      R99     R161 
Days of Operation              Sa/Su    Sa/Su     Sa      Sa/Su    Sa/Su    Sa/Su
Will also Operate                H        H        J        H        H        H
                   miles                                                        .
Boston, MA 
   South Station      0  Dp             6:40a    8:10a             8:40a    9:40a 
   Back Bay           1               P 6:45a  P 8:15a           P 8:45a  P 9:45a 
Route 128, MA        11               P 6:55a  P 8:24a           P 8:55a  P 9:55a
Providence, RI       43        From     7:20a    8:49a    From     9:20a   10:20a
Kingston, RI         70       Spgfld    7:41a    ----    Spgfld    9:41a   10:41a
Westerly, RI         87                 7:56a    ----              9:56a    ---- 
Mystic, CT           96                 ----     ----             10:06a    ----  
New London, CT      105                 8:16a    ----             10:20a   11:14a 
Old Saybrook, CT    123                 8:35a    ----              ----    11:33a
New Haven, CT       156  Ar    8:00a    9:08a   10:16a   10:30a   11:08a   12:08p
                         Dp    8:11a    9:11a   10:18a   10:41a   11:11a   12:11p
Bridgeport, CT      173        8:31a    9:31a    ----    11:01a   11:31a   12:31p
Stamford, CT        195        8:56a    9:56a   10:57a   11:26a   11:56a   12:56p 
New Rochelle, NY    212        9:15a   10:15a    ----    11:45a   12:15p    1:15p 
New York, NY        231  Ar    9:50a   10:50a   11:45a   12:20p   12:50p    1:50p
                         Dp   10:05a   11:05a   12:00n   12:55p    1:05p    2:05p 
Newark, NJ          241       10:22a   11:22a   12:15p    1:12p    1:22p    2:22p
Newark Int'l Apt.   244        ----     ----     ----     ----     1:27p    2:27p 
Metropark, NJ       255       10:36a   11:36a   12:28p    ----     1:39p    2:39p 
Trenton, NJ         289       11:04a   12:00n    ----     ----     2:02p    3:01p
Philadelphia, PA    322  Ar   11:27a   12:27p    1:12p    2:12p    2:29p    3:29p
                         Dp   11:30a   12:30p    1:14p    2:15p    2:32p    3:31p 
Wilmington, DE      347       11:52a   12:52p    1:35p    2:37p    2:54p    3:53p 
Aberdeen, MD        386        ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     4:21p
Baltimore, MD       416       12:38p    1:40p    2:19p    3:25p    3:42p    4:44p 
BWI Airport, MD     427       12:51p    1:53p    2:31p    3:38p    3:55p    4:57p 
New Carrollton MD   448      D 1:04p  D 2:08p    ----   D 3:51p    4:09p  D 5:10p
Washington, DC      457  Ar    1:25p    2:30p    2:55p    4:10p    4:30p    5:30p

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will also operate 11/24, 12/25, 1/2, and 2/20.
J -- Trail will also operate 11/24, 12/25, 1/1, and 2/19.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, See your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.

[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]

Train Name                Acela             Acela             Acela            
                         Express Regional  Express Regional  Express
Train Number              R2253    R163     R2255    R135      R57 
Days of Operation         Sa/Su    Sa/Su     Su      Sa/Su    Sa/Su
Will also Operate           H        H      12/26      H        H
Will not Operate                            12/25             
Boston, MA
  South Sta.             11:10a   11:40a    1:10p    1:45p        
  Back Bay          Dp  P11:15a  P11:45a  P 1:15p  P 1:50p        
Route 128, MA           P11:24a  P11:55a  P 1:24p  P 2:00p        
Providence, RI           11:49a   12:20p    1:49p    2:25p          
Kingston, RI              ----    12:41p    ----     2:46p        
Westerly, RI              ----    12:56p    ----     ----     From  
Mystic, CT                ----     ----     ----     ----    Vermont 
New London, CT            ----     1:17p    ----     3:19p         
Old Saybrook, CT          ----     1:36p    ----     ----        
New Haven, CT       Ar    1:16p    2:09p    3:16p    4:09p    4:21p 
                    Dp    1:18p    2:11p    3:18p    4:11p    4:41p 
Bridgeport, CT            ----     2:31p    ----     4:31p    5:01p
Stamford, CT              1:57p    2:56p    3:57p    4:56p    5:28p  
New Rochelle              ----     3:15p    ----     5:15p    ----  
New York            Ar    2:45p    3:50p    4:45p    5:45p    6:25p 
                    Dp    3:00p    4:05p    5:00p    6:05p    6:55p 
Newark, NJ                3:15p    4:22p    5:15p    6:22p    7:12p 
Newark Int'l Apt          ----     4:27p    ----     6:27p    ----  
Metropark, NJ             3:28p    4:39p    5:28p    6:38p    7:25p
Trenton, NJ               ----     5:01p    ----     7:00p    7:51p 
Philadelphia, PA    Ar    4:12p    5:29p    6:12p    7:27p    8:19p 
                    Dp    4:14p    5:32p    6:14p    7:30p    8:22p 
Wilmington, DE            4:35p    5:54p    6:35p    7:52p    8:43p 
Newark, DE                ----     ----     ----     8:02p    ----   
Aberdeen, MD              ----     ----     ----     8:22p    ----  
Baltimore, MD             5:19p    6:42p    7:19p    8:46p    9:30p 
BWI Airport, MD           5:31p    6:55p    7:31p    8:58p    9:43p  
New Carrollton, MD        ----   D 7:08p    ----   D 9:11p  D 9:56p 
Washington, DC       Ar   5:55p    7:30p    7:55p    9:30p   10:15p 

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will also operate 11/24, 12/25, 1/2, and 2/20.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, see your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL. 

[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]

Train Name                         Acela    Acela
                        Regional  Express  Express Regional Regional Regional
Train Number              R165     R2257    R2259    R167      169      R67
Days of Operation         Sa/Su     Su       Su      Sa/Su    Sa/Su    Daily
Will also Operate           H      12/26    12/26      H        H
                                 1/2,2/20 1/2,2/20
Will not Operate                   12/25    12/25
                                 1/1,2/19 1/1,2/19
Boston, MA
  South Sta.        Dp    3:00p    3:10p    4:10p    4:40p    6:40p    9:45p
  Back Bay              P 3:05p  P 3:15p  P 4:15p  P 4:45p  P 6:45p  P 9:50p
Route 128, MA           P 3:15p  P 3:24p  P 4:24p  P 4:55p  P 6:55p  P10:00p
Providence, RI            3:50p    3:49p    4:49p    5:20p    7:20p   10:25p
Kingston, RI              4:11p    ----     ----     5:41p    7:41p  P10:46p
Westerly, RI              4:26p    ----     ----     5:56p    ----    11:01p
Mystic, CT                4:36p    ----     ----     ----     8:04p   11:12p
New London, CT            4:50p    ----     ----     6:17p    8:18p   11:25p
Old Saybrook, CT          5:09p    ----     ----     6:36p    8:37p   11:46p
New Haven, CT       Ar    5:39p    5:16p    6:16p    7:09p    9:09p   12:20a
                    Dp    5:41p    5:18p    6:18p    7:11p    9:11p   12:26a
Bridgeport, CT            6:01p    ----     ----     7:31p    9:31p    ----
Stamford, CT              6:26p    5:57p    6:57p    7:56p    9:56p    1:12a
New Rochelle, NY          6:45p    ----     ----     8:15p   10:15p    ----
New York, NY        Ar    7:20p    6:45p    7:45p    8:50p   10:50p    2:01a
                    Dp    7:55p    7:00p    8:00p    9:05p   11:05p    3:00a
Newark, NJ                8:12p    7:15p    8:15p    9:22p   11:22p    3:20a
Newark Int'l Apt          8:17p    ----     ----     9:27p    ----     ----
Metropark, NJ             8:32p    7:28p    8:28p    9:39p   11:35p    3:36a
Trenton, NJ               8:54p    ----     ----    10:01p   11:57p    4:03a
Philadelphia, PA    Ar    9:22p    8:12p    9:12p   10:29p   12:25a    4:35a
                    Dp    9:25p    8:14p    9:14p   10:32p   12:28a    4:50a
Wilmington, DE            9:47p    8:35p    9:35p   10:54p   12:50a    5:13a
Baltimore, MD            10:35p    9:19p   10:19p   11:42p    1:40a    6:10a
BWI Airport, MD          10:48p    9:31p   10:31p   11:55p    ----     6:23a
New Carrollton, MD      D11:01p    ----     ----   D12:08a    ----   L 6:44a
Washington, DC      Ar   11:20p    9:55p   10:55p   12:30a    2:20a    7:00a

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will also operate 11/24, 12/25, 1/2, and 2/20.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, see your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.

[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]

Additional information (2K) These schedules are unofficial, but are authorized by Amtrak. Official schedules are available at
While we try to keep this information correct and current, neither the authors, editor, and sysops, nor Amtrak can accept responsibility for errors and omissions in the on-line timetables.
For ticket pricing, ordering and seasonal time changes please visit or call 1-800-USA-RAIL
All Contents and Images © 1994 - 2006 by Daniel S. Dawdy and Ribbon Rail Productions
No part of this site may be used or reproduced on other sites or in print without the permission of