Online Amtrak Schedules Schedule effective: October 30, 2006
Reservations required on all trains. See your travel agent, call 1-800-USA-RAIL, or visit tickets.amtrak.com for reservations and fare information.
Amtrak's Keystone Service
Harrisburg - Lancaster - Philadelphia -
New York
Reservations required on trains marked R and on all trains between Philadelphia and New York.
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Train Name Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone Keystone
Train Number Re630 Re640 Re642 Re644 Re646 Re658
Days of Operation Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Sa/Su Mo-Fr Mo-Fr
Will also Operate H
Will not Operate H H H H H
miles .
Harrisburg, PA 0 Dp 3:55a 5:10a 6:25a 7:10a 7:35a 8:30a
Middletown, PA 10 ---- 5:22a 6:35a 7:20a 7:45a ----
Elizabethtown, PA 18 4:14a 5:31a 6:45a 7:30a 7:55a 8:49a
Mount Joy, PA 25 ---- ---- 6:52a 7:37a 8:03a ----
Lancaster, PA 37 4:32a 5:51a 7:07a 7:52a 8:17a 9:09a
Parkesburg, PA 60 ---- 6:13a 7:28a 8:12a 8:38a ----
Coatesville, PA 66 ---- 6:18a 7:34a 8:18a ---- ----
Downingtown, PA 72 ---- 6:27a 7:41a 8:24a 8:51a 9:38a
Exton, PA 77 5:05a 6:33a 7:47a 8:29a 8:56a 9:44a
Paoli, PA 85 5:12a 6:44a 7:57a 8:39a 9:07a 9:52a
Ardmore, PA 96 ---- 6:57a L 8:12a 8:51a 9:20a 10:04a
Philadelphia, PA 104 Ar 5:35a 7:12a 8:25a 9:10a 9:35a 10:20a
Dp 5:55a 7:55a 8:44a 9:30a 10:05a 10:46a
No. Philadelphia, PA 109 ---- 8:05a ---- ---- ---- ----
Cornwell Hts., PA 121 6:15a ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Trenton, NJ 137 6:27a 8:28a 9:11a 9:58a 11:34a 11:12a
Princeton Jct., NJ 146 ---- 8:36a ---- 10:06a 11:42a ----
New Brunswick, NJ 162 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Metropark, NJ 170 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Newark Intl Airp, NJ 182 ---- ---- ---- L10:33a L11:08a ----
Newark, NJ 185 D 6:58a L 9:05a L 9:42a L10:38a L11:13a L11:43a
New York, NY 195 Ar 7:17a 9:23a 10:00a 10:56a 11:31a 12:02p
D -- Train stops to discharge passengers,
H -- Train will also/will not operate 11/24, 12/26, 1/2, 2/20.
F -- Stops only on signal,or advance notice to the conductor.
L -- Train may leave before the time shown.
Re - Reservations required between Philadelphia and New York.
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Train Name Keystone Keystone Pennsyl- Keystone Keystone Keystone
Train Number Re660 Re648 R42 Re650 Re656 Re654
Days of Operation Sa/Su Mo-Fr Mo-Sa Su Mo-Fr Sa/Su
Will also Operate H 12/26 H
Will not Operate H 12/26 H
Harrisburg, PA Dp 8:55a 11:00a 12:55p 12:55p 2:55p 3:35p
Middletown, PA 9:05a ---- ---- ---- 3:05p ----
Elizabethtown, PA 9:14a 11:19a 1:14p 1:13p 3:15p 3:53p
Mount Joy, PA 9:22a ---- ---- ---- 3:22p ----
Lancaster, PA 9:36a 11:39a 1:34p 1:34p 3:36p 4:14p
Parkesburg, PA 9:57a ---- ---- 1:55p 3:57p L 4:35p
Coatesville, PA 10:02a ---- ---- ---- 4:02p ----
Downingtown, PA 10:08a 12:10p ---- 2:04p 4:08p 4:44p
Exton, PA 10:13a 12:15p 2:09p 2:09p 4:13p 4:49p
Paoli, 10:23a 12:23p 2:20p 2:20p 4:23p 4:59p
Ardmore, PA 10:35a 12:35p ---- 2:36p 4:36p 5:12p
Philadelphia, PA Ar 10:50a 12:49p 2:50p 2:50p 4:53p 5:30p
Dp 11:10a 1:16p 3:10p 3:20p 5:20p 6:10p
No. Philadelphia, PA ---- ---- ---- ---- 5:28p ----
Trenton, NJ 11:38a 1:43p 3:38p 3:48p 5:50p 6:38p
Princeton Jct., NJ ---- 1:51p 3:46p 3:56p 5:58p 6:46p
New Brunswick, NJ ---- ---- ---- ---- 6:10p ----
Metropark, NJ ---- ---- ---- ---- D 6:20p 7:03p
Newark Intl Airp, NJ ---- L 2:16p ---- ---- ---- ----
Newark, NJ L12:10p L 2:20p L 4:15p L 4:25p L 6:37p L 7:17p
New York, NY Ar 12:30p 2:38p 4:35p 4:45p 6:55p 7:35p
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will also/will not operate 11/24, 12/26, 1/2, 2/20.
L -- Train may leave before the time shown.
R -- Reservations required on this train.
Re - Reservations required between Philadelphia and New York.
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Train Name Keystone Keystone Keystone Pennsyl- Keystone
Train Number Re652 Re662 Re616 R44 Re614 Re618
Days of Operation Mo-Fr Sa/Su Mo-Fr Su Sa Mo-Fr
Will also Operate H 12/26
Will not Operate H H H
Harrisburg, PA Dp 4:35p 4:35p 5:25p 6:55p 7:00p 8:00p
Middletown, PA 4:45p 4:45p 5:35p ---- 7:11p 8:10p
Elizabethtown, PA 4:55p 4:54p 5:45p 7:14p 7:20p 8:19p
Mount Joy, PA 5:02p 5:02p 5:52p ---- 7:27p 8:27p
Lancaster, PA 5:16p 5:16p 6:06p 7:35p 7:42p 8:41p
Parkesburg, PA 5:37p 5:38p L 6:27p ---- 8:02p L 9:02p
Coatesville, PA 5:43p 5:43p L 6:32p ---- 8:08p L 9:07p
Downingtown, PA 5:49p 5:51p L 6:38p 8:06p 8:13p L 9:13p
Exton, PA 5:55p 5:56p L 6:44p 8:12p 8:18p L 9:18p
Paoli, 6:04p 6:06p L 6:52p 8:22p 8:26p L 9:27p
Ardmore, PA 6:17p 6:18p L 7:06p 8:35p 8:38p L 9:39p
Philadelphia, PA Ar 6:35p 6:35p 7:20p 8:50p 8:55p 9:55p
Connecting Train Number Thru Thru R138 Thru R182 R198
Philadelphia, PA Dp 7:00p 7:10p 8:05p 9:25p 9:18p 10:35p
Trenton, NJ ---- 7:38p 8:33p 9:53p 9:47p 11:04p
Princeton Jct., NJ ---- 7:46p 8:41p 10:00p ---- ----
New Brunswick, NJ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Metropark, NJ ---- ---- D 8:58p ---- D10:06p D11:24a
Newark Intl Airp, NJ ---- L 8:12p L 9:09p ---- L10:19p L11:36p
Newark, NJ L 7:57p L 8:17p D 9:14p D10:28p D10:23p D11:41p
New York, NY Ar 8:15p 8:35p 9:32p 10:50p 10:45p 11:59p
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will also/will not operate 11/24, 12/26, 1/2, 2/20.
L -- Train may leave before the time shown.
R -- Reservations required on this train.
Re - Reservations required between Philadelphia and New York.
See the Pennsylvanian schedules for additional information.
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Keystone Connections
NJ Transit
Click here for NJ Transit connection for the Atlantic City Rail Line. For information, phone 1-800-AC-TRAIN
Services on Keystone Trains Click here for travelinformation from Amtrak's WWW page.
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These schedules are unofficial, but are authorized by Amtrak. Official schedules are available at www.amtrak.com While we try to keep this information correct and current, neither the authors, editor, and sysops, nor Amtrak can accept responsibility for errors and omissions in the on-line timetables. For ticket pricing, ordering and seasonal time changes please visit www.amtrak.com or call 1-800-USA-RAIL
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