Online Amtrak Schedules Schedule effective: April 2, 2007
Reservations required on all trains. See your travel agent, call 1-800-USA-RAIL, or visit tickets.amtrak.com for reservations and fare information.
Reservations required.
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Southbound San Joaquin trains
Train Number R702 R712 R714 R716 R704 R718
Days Operated Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily
Oakland 0 Dp 7:30a 10:05a 1:05p 5:50p
Emeryville 5 7:40a 10:15a 1:15p 6:00p
Richmond 13 7:50a 10:25a 1:25p 6:10p
Martinez 32 8:23a 10:58a 1:58p 6:43p
Antioch-Pittsburg 50 8:42a 11:17a 2:17p
Sacramento Dp 6:35a 4:25p
Lodi Dp 7:15a 5:05P
Stockton Dp 7:30a 9:20a 11:52a 2:56p 5:20p 7:37p
Modesto 107 8:04a 9:49a 12:21p 3:25p 5:54p 8:10p
Denair 123 8:23a 10:03a 12:35p 3:38p 6:07p 8:24p
Merced 146 8:46a 10:31a 12:59p 4:03p 6:31p 8:51p
Madera 183 9:17a 11:02a 1:36p 4:39p 7:07p 9:23p
Fresno 204 9:50a 11:35a 2:10p 5:10p 7:40p 9:55p
Hanford 234 10:23a 12:11p 2:44p 5:46p 8:14p 10:28p
Corcoran 251 10:39a 12:27p 3:00p 6:02p 8:30p 10:44p
Wasco 289 11:15a 12:55p 3:33p 6:36p 9:01p 11:15p
Bakersfield 315 Ar 11:58a 1:46p 4:11p 7:21p 9:383p 11:56p
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Northbound San Joaquin trains
Train Number R711 R701 R713 R715 R717 R703
Days Operated Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily
Bakersfield 100 Dp 4:55a 7:15a 10:15a 1:20p 3:45p 6:01p
Wasco 126 5:22a 7:42a 10:42a 1:47p 4:12p 6:37p
Corcoran 164 5:54a 8:14a 11:18a 2:23p 4:48p 7:12p
Hanford 181 6:12a 8:32a 11:36a 2:41p 5:06p 7:30p
Fresno 211 6:50a 9:10a 12:20p 3:20p 5:50p 8:06p
Madera 232 7:11a 9:34a 12:41p 3:41p 6:11p 8:29p
Merced 269 7:45a 10:08a 1:20p 4:19p 6:49p 9:05p
Denair 292 8:06a 10:34a 1:42p 4:41p 7:12p 9:27p
Modesto 308 Dp 8:23a 10:49a 1:57p 4:56p 7:27p 9:45p
Stockton 334 Ar 8:58a 11:20a 2:30p 5:30p 8:05p 10:15p
Lodi 350 Ar 11:34a 10:29p
Sacramento 12:30p 11:25p
Antioch-Pittsburg 9:33a 3:05p 6:01p 8:36p
Martinez 383 10:00a 3:31p 6:25p 8:58p
Richmond 402 10:25a 3:56p 6:50p 9:24p
Emeryville 410 Ar 10:43a 4:13p 7:13p 9:48p
Oakland 415 Ar 10:55a 4:25p 7:25p 10:00p
San Francisco connection from trains at Emeryville
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Other connecting services
BART rapid transit service
available from Richmond to Oakland, San Francisco, Daly City, Dublin/Pleasanton,
Fremont, Concord, and intermediate points.
California Car Services on board San Joaquin trains
Coaches --
Reservations required.
Cafe service -- Sandwiches, snacks, and beverages.
- Railfone -- Public telephone service available on most trains.
- Checked baggage -- Handled on all trains at Los Angeles (except 711
and 718
connecting bus), Bakersfield, Hanford, Fresno, Merced, Modesto, Stockton
(Amtrak Station), Sacramento,
Martinez, Emeryville, Oakland, and S.F. Ferry Building.
- Bicycles:
All trains are also equipped with a limited number of bike racks -- passengers may bring bicycles as un-boxed baggage.
- Available first-come, first-served -- no reservations or service charge.
- Unboxed bicycles may be put in the bin under connhecting thruway motorcoaches.
- Boxed bicycles may be checked as baggage.
Smoking -- Smoking is not permitted on San Joaquin trains
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These schedules are unofficial, but are authorized by Amtrak. Official schedules are available at www.amtrak.com While we try to keep this information correct and current, neither the authors, editor, and sysops, nor Amtrak can accept responsibility for errors and omissions in the on-line timetables. For ticket pricing, ordering and seasonal time changes please visit www.amtrak.com or call 1-800-USA-RAIL
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