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Railroad Clubs: States S-Z
| SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VA | VT | WA | DC | WI | WV |
Dates shown are original
entry dates
 | |
Chattanooga Area Model
RR Club: Chattanooga, TN.
Primarily HO with other scales represented. HO
modules and a stationary layout open to the
Crossville Model Railroad Club: Crossville, Tennessee. 5 Scales (Z-N-HO-O-G) and live Stream engine on display. Friday Noon - 4 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. In the Crossville Outlet Building (2-5-07)
Dixie Model Railroad Club: Nashville, TN. The Dixie Model RR Club is an HO scale Layout Currently models the Chattanooga Division from Chattanooga, TN to Nashville, TN (8-28-06)
Middle Tennessee Model Railroaders: Located in Nolensville, TN (10 miles south of Nashville) 5000 S/F fully sceniced HO layout depicting the Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and ATSF from Los Angeles, CA to Ogden, UT with off layout destinations of Chicago, El Paso & Portland, OR.
We also have a dual gauge branch line with mining and logging operations.
Layout is controlled by Digitrax DCC, has operating signals/detection and 2 dispatcher panels for operating sessions. Op sessions use 15 - 25 people typically. (7-25-11)
Mid-South Live Steamers: Columbia, TN.
Information and photos of this 7-1/2" gauge
club, plus an Intro to Live Steamers section. (5/4/97)
Nashville NTrak: Nashville, TN.
Located at the Tennessee Central Railway
Museum. (9/8/00) |
 | Abilene Society of Model Railroaders: Abilene, TX. Model railroad club located in Abilene Texas (5-6-05)
All Points North Model
Railroad Club: Conroe, TX. Founded in 1981 APN has grown to a current membership of 30 members. In 2001 APN completed construction of its new 2,500 square foot home on 2 acres of land just north of The Woodlands, and is currently working on a permanent layout of around 1,700 square feet. The club welcomes new and prospective members interested in any scale. For further information on APN, please visit our website (03/12/05)
Austin Steam Train Association: Austin, Texas. Weekend excursions in Texas Hill Country or urban Austin. 1920's coaches, 1950s lounge cars, steam under restoration, using Alco RSD-15. (2-25-04)
AustNTrak Model
Railroad & Eating Club: Austin, TX. Basic
information on this club. (5/4/97)
Corpus Christi Model
Railroad Club: Corpus Christi,
TX. We just like to play with trains. We have HO,
O, & N scale layouts. Club & modular. DC,
RCDC, & DCC. (5-1-02)
Dallas, Garland, and
Mesquite Railway Systems: Dallas, TX. Model
railroad club featuring N, Nn3, and Z scale model
railroads as well as NTRAK. (12-26-02)
East Texas Model Railroad Club - ETMRC: Commerce, TX, TX. Member of North Texas Council of Railroad Clubs, ETMRC has a large HO club layout and an N traveling module for shows. Located in Commerce, TX, ETMRC is about 1 hour drive east of Dallas, TX. (1-24-05)
Fort Bend Model
Railroad Club: Sugarland, TX.
Dedicated to building and maintaining NTRAK
modules that reflect the early 1950's
"steam/diesel" transition era of
railroading as seen from the eyes of the
residents of Fort Bend County, TX. (7/29/97)
Galveston County Model Railroad Club: Texax City, TX. Complete discription of our Clubs home, layouts, activities & directions to Texas City Museum. (1-22-04)
Galveston Model
Railroad Club: Galveston, TX. A
new all DCC HO layout under construction for 18
months. (6-13-02)
Gulf Coast Society of Model Railroading: The Gulf Coast Society of Model Railroading Club has an operating HO and G scale Layout open to the public each Saturday and Sunday for viewing. The grand Layout may be viewed also through the internet which also has a list of contacts. (4-29-04)
Houston Area
"G" Gaugers Model Railroad Club: Houston, TX.
Information on this G gauge model railway club. (7/22/97)
Houston N Crowd: Houston, TX. The
Houston N Crows is Houston's oldest model
railroad club. We have put on two National N
Scale events and are planning for the 2003 N
Scale Convention. (12-20-02)
Houston Area Live
Steamers: Houston, TX. Our
club is devoted to live steam modeling in its
many forms, from locomotives, to tractors and
boats, with the majority of the interest lying in
modeling trains in 1.5" scale. (5/18/98)
Houston Tinplate
Operators Society: Houston, TX.
Information and online newsletters for this
tinplate club. (5/4/97)
Kevin's Train Page: Beaumont, TX. A
new club starting. (5/16/98)
Lockheed Martin Recreation Assoc. - Railroad Activity - HO Scale 1800 sq. ft. layout built for operation. (06/20/04)
North Cherokee Valley
Model Railroad Club: Jacksonville, TX.
An HO club since 1990 providing East Texas model
railroaders a place to meet, talk, and run train.
Layout tour, photo gallery, East Texas railfan
info, and more. (4/25/98)
North Texas Garden
Railroad Consortium: Dallas, Texas.
Oldest and largest Largescale Garden Railroad
Club. (9/8/00)
NorthWest Crossing
Model Railroad Club: Houston, TX.
Information and photos of the oldest HO and N
scale modular club. (5/4/97)
Oklahoma, Red-River
& Texas Model Railroad Club: Paris, TX. All
scales welcome. Site contains detailed
information about the club and its purpose. (3/10/00)
San Antonio Model
Railroad Association: San Antonio, TX.
Basic information on the club, its history, and
its activities. (3/4/99)
San Antonio NTRAK Association: Providing a history, club information and descriptions of activities for San Antonio’s only N scale model railroad club. (6-29-07)
San Jacinto Model Railroad Club: Houston, TX. Oldest existing model railroad club in Houston area. Meets at 7pm First Tuesday of January - October (July is 2nd Tuesday) at Bayland Community Center, 6400 Bissonnet. Visitors welcome. (1-1-06)
South Side Railroad Modelers:
Dallas, TX. Home of the South Side and Rio Mesa Railroad > a freelance HO scale model railroad.
Southwestern Live
Steamers: A non-profit
corporation to educate and promote the modeling
and operation of live steam locomotives, steam
equipment, and rail equipment of all types.
Operates on private 7 1/2 " gauge tracks
throughout Texas and Oklahoma. (5/18/98)
Tex-N Modular Railroad
Plano, TX. Information, photos, trackplan, and
more for this NTRAK club. (5/4/97)
Texas & Beyond Model Railroad and Historical Society: Dallas, TX. Home page for the Texas & Beyond, with N & Z scale, Japan Rail, and lots of railfan info! (6-29-04)
Northern Model Railroad Club: Mesquite, TX. One of the largest
HO Scale model railroads in North Texas. Layout Photos, Club information,
etc. (1-21-04)
Texas Western Model RR Club: Fort Worth, TX. Large HO and HOn3 club started 9 years ago. DCC and predomintly sound equipped locomotives pull long trains. (1-11-06)
Tinplate Trackers -
Austin, Texas: A 3-Rail O-Gauge
model train club participating in a number of
model railroading activities and events in
Central Texas. (7-3-01)
Trinity NTRAK: Fort Worth, TX.
Formed in 1989 to promote N scale model
railroading. The club currently uses the standard
3 track interface and the mountain line
interface. (12/3/97) |
Box Elders N Scale
Model Railroaders: A new club
forming in Northern Utah for N scale modelers in
the Box Elder or Cache County area. (11/21/97)
Color Country Model RailRoad Club: St. George, UT. We have HO and N Scale modules and have members that model G, O, HO, and N. (1-22-07)
Golden Spike American Flyer Train Club: S-Gauge club running mostly American Flyer trains with some American Models and S-Helper trains. Our club has portable modules like the NASG. We are celebrating our 15th year together. Our club attends all major and minor train shows plus other shows to help out some worthy cause such as supporting the Boy Scouts' Scout-O-Rama held last month in Sandy, Utah. (5-12-08)
Hostler's Model Railroad Club: Ogden, Utah. One of Utah's oldest model railroad clubs. Featuring HO & N scale modules, G scale and 7 1/2" outdoor railroading. (3-30-06)
Ophir Tintic &
Western Model Railroad Club: Utah County, UT.
Newsletter, show schedule, special edition cars
for sale, model railroading 101, and more from
this modular club. (3/1/98)
The O scale guys: salt lake city, ut. The O scale guys is a utah based affiliation of like-minded two railers working on three principal projects. steve Strebels' home layout; the MRS Hobbys display layout; and the New England two foot. modules (10-5-05)
The O scale guys (new Site): O scale mostly, but also N, HO, G, Fn3, prototype, cars, ships, oh, you get
the point, everything. Check us out (10-26-11)
Utah Free-mo: Utah, UT. HO
Modular Railroading utilizing the most recent
innovation, the Free-Mo (Free Modular) standards
emphasizing realism and prototypical operations
using DCC. (9-24-02)
Utah Society of Railroad Modelers: We're all about Fun, Learning, and Fellowship! A 100% NMRA member club. We are open to new members, and visitors are welcome. Once you see what we are doing, you will want to join us every month. Clinics, Layout Tours and more. We meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month. 3-5PM Pioneer Valley Hospital 4200 West 3500 South, West Valley City, Utah. Contact: Steve Moore (6-16-12)
Chesapeake Bay Railroaders, Inc: Yorktown, VA. The Chesapeake Bay Railroaders are incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia and operate as a non-profit hobby organization. (10-15-06)
Lynchburg Area
N-Scalers: Lynchburg, VA.
Group of model railroaders dedicated to promoting
N-Scale in all forms, home layouts, Ntrak or just
armchair modelers. (11-25-01)
Northern Virginia Model
Railroaders:VIRGINIA, Vienna, Northern
Virginia Model Railroaders, Inc., HO gauge, 231 Old Dominion
Road Open House, Monthly open houses. Admission is FREE. However,
donations accepted at the door. Phone 703-938-5157,
Northern Virginia NTRAK: Manassas, VA.
Information about this NTRAK club in Capital
area, tips for getting started in N scale,
photos, and much more for N modeling. (5/4/97)
Piedmont Railroaders: Warrenton VA,
Piedmont Railroaders is focused on all aspects of
the railroad hobby. (5/18/00)
Prince William County
Model Railroad Club: Founded by a
small group of model railroaders in 1991. Check
out some of our club highlights, upcoming shows,
and modular layout. (3/1/98)
South Hampton Roads
Serving Virginia's N scalers of Chesapeake,
Suffolk, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach. (9/26/98)
RRFriends: RRfriends are
central Virginia modelers and other citizenry
interested in the various social sides of railfan
hobbies or railroad models. (4/15/01) |
Bellingham Society of
Model Engineers: Bellingham, WA.
Information, images, and meetings for this HO and
N scale club. (5/4/97)
Boeing Employees Model
Railroad Club: Kent, WA.
Dedicated to the notion that model railroading is
fun. We support all local model railroad shows
and swap meets. (1/28/99)
Lewis And Clark Train
Clarkston, WA. Promoting the hobby of model
railroading in the state of Washington. We
collect, build, and run real layouts. (2/15/98)
MS-Rail: Model
Railroaders at Microsoft: A group who talks
trains, mostly by email, and occasionally sets up
an NTRAK layout. (5/4/97)
Mount Rainier N Scale
Modular RR Club: Tacoma Area, WA.
Ntrak modular club in Pacific Northwest. Site
contains: photo gallery, shows, member section
& club modules. (5-30-02)
Olympia Model Railroad Society: Olympia, Washington. Railroading in Thurston County and surrounding localities - 1900 to present. (11-4-06)
Pelican Bay & Sallal RR: Whidbey Island, WA. We operate a 7 1/2" gage railroad, with 1 1/2" & 2 1/2" scale equipment. (2% Grade). (3-24-04)
Puget Sound Model
Railroad Engineers: Tacoma, WA.
Building a 1950s HO layout in the Washington
State History Museum. PSMRE supports and is 100%
committed to the principles of the NMRA. It is
our intention to "vigorously encourage"
NMRA Membership on the part of all PSMRE Members
and our desired goal is 100% NMRA Membership. (6/4/97)
Puget Sound Garden Railway Society: Puget Sound, WA. Up to date contact of events within the area. (12-13-05)
Tacoma North Western Model Rail Road: Federal Way , Washington. We are a HO sectional model rail road club with a permanent modular railroad at the clubhouse and the new TNW light weight sectional DCC layout that we take to shows throughout the Puget Sound. (9-26-05)
Tri City Model
Railroaders: The Tri City
Model Railroaders are located in Richland WA.
Meetings are on Friday nights and guests are
welcome. Operating sessions are held monthly. (6-8-01)
United NorthWest Model
Railroad Club:Seattle, WA. N scale club with a 12' x 35' portable layout. We sponsor an annual show & swap meet for charity each spring.
Western Mountains Model Railroad Club: Lynnwood, WA. Modelling the Montana Rail Link, crossing the continental divide, west of Helena Mt. N-scale permanent layout realistically depicting the route to Missoula. See our Site please. (7-13-06)
Washington, DC:
Mon Valley Railroad Club of West Virginia: Morgantown, WV. A review of club projects, events, and modeling efforts. (11-23-04)
The Potomac Module Crew: Fairfax, Virginia. Virginia, Maryland and Wash. DC Ho scale module modle railroaders interested in supporting and advertising our hobby. We also promote Operation Lifesaver (12-31-06)
Capital City 'N'Gineers: Madison, WI.
Information and photo gallery from this NTRAK
club in and hosts of the 1997 NTRAK National
Convention. (5/4/97)
Cedar Creek Central
Railroad Club: Jackson, WI.
Information on this HO, G, and modular club. The
only requirement for membership is that you like
to have fun! (3/25/99)
Central Wisconsin Model
Railroaders: Plover, WI.
Information and photos of this HO and N scale
club (5/4/97)
Cream City Traction
Milwaukee, WI. Unofficial. An HO scale, modular
model trolley club with no dues or officers. (9/7/98)
Kettle Moraine Ballast
Scorchers Railroad Club: West Bend, WI.
Founded in 1975, the Kettle Moraine Ballast
Scorchers Railroad Club, Inc. is a nonprofit,
educational organization dedicated to the purpose
of furthering the hobby of railroading, both
model and prototype; including the history of
Railroading in the United States, Canada, and
Europe. (1-11-03)
Lionel Railroad Club Of
Milwaukee: Events, photos,
club car offer, and much more from the nation's
second oldest train club. (7/21/97)
Machickanee &
Splinter Creek Model Railroad Club: Oconto, WI. An HO
scale club with a Milwaukee Road flavor. (1/23/00)
METRO Model Railroad
Port Washington, WI. Information on the HO club
along with photos and stories of interest. (9/7/97)
Milwaukee Area N-Trak: Milwaukee, WI.
Includes club schedule, photos, and other NTRAK
information. (8/13/97)
Milwaukee N South Eastern : Milwaukee area (Cudahy), WI. Milwaukee area's only permanent N scale club. 11 x 48 ft. room, 14 scale miles of running mainline.
A non-profit group. Meetings on every Tuesday. We also have a portable layout that goes to shows. (3-4-04)
Milwaukee School of
Engineering Society of Model Engineers: Information,
events, and more from this club. (7/22/97)
NEWER Industries: Northeastern
Wisconsin Exhibition Railroad (NEWER). HO scale
modular club website; pictures; layout tour;
SD1701; bylaws; people; events; etc. (6-1-01)
American Prototype Modelers Ltd. (NAPM): Milwaukee, WI. Home Page
for NAPM Ltd.(11-29-03)
Paper Valley Model
RailRoad Club: Kaukauna, WI. The
club is building a 14' x 30' HO scale layout with
a 16' x 16' addition under way in an adjoining
room. A new N-scale layout is under constructions
in yet another room. (12/21/98)
Rothschild, Schofield,
& Weston Model Railroad Club: Modeling the
Wisconsin Central and BNSF. Site updated monthly
with new pictures, news, and information about
layout and club. (4/17/01)
St. Croix Railroad: Hudson, WI. Model
Railroad system is located on approximately 9
acres of land, consisting of three distinct
railroad lines. (5/18/98)
Sheboygan Society Of
Scale Model Railroad Engineers: Sheboygan, WI.
Information on this HO & HOn3 club. Plus the
most comprehensive listing of North American
railroad reporting marks on the web!
(English/French/German) (5/4/97)
Tri-County Model RR
Kenosha, WI. HO Scale Model Railroad club. We are
30+ years old. Open houses are listed on web
site. (9/7/99)
Wisconsin Garden
Railways Society: State-wide,
Wisconsin. State-wide Large (G) Scale
garden/indoor club. Over 150 members in two
divisions. Meets monthly at members layouts.(3/17/03)
Wisconsin &
Northshore Garden Railroad Club Wisconsin and Northshore
is a Garden Railroad club based in Kenosha
Wisconsin. We meet every other Wednesday evening
at the Kenosha Yacht club at 7:00 pm. (4/15/01)
Photo Galleries:
N American: A-M
N American: N-Z
Modern Railfanning:
N Amer: RR Co's
N Amer: Locale
N Amer: General
Golden Age:
N American: A-M
N American: N-Z
Historical Society:
N American: A-E
N American: F-M
N American: N-R
N American: S-Z
Traveling By Rail:
Regional Systems
Tourist Sites:
States A-E
States F-M
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Rail Tours
Official Industry:
Railroad Safety