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CWRR Links Pages
Model Railroad Clubs: World
Alphabetized by country or region
Argentina | Australia/New Zealand | Austria |
Belgium | Brazil | Chile | Denmark | Finland | France |
| Germany | Indonesia | Israel | Italy | Luxembourg |
Mexico | Netherlands | Norway |
| South Africa | Sri Lanka | Sweden | Switzerland | United
Kingdom/Ireland | Uruguay
Dates shown are original entry dates
General Sites / International:
 | Centro Ferromodelista Belgrano: Buenos Aires, Argentina. Placed in Belgrano R station, the CFB is dedicated to the reproduction in miniature of Argentinean Railways along history. (10-1-04)
 | Círculo Ferromodelista
Oeste - Asociación Civil: Buenos Aires, República Argentina. Our association's
goals are the practice of model railroading and the history of not only Argentine
railways but also foreign ones. (Spanish) (11-2-02)
 | Altona Miniature
Railway: Altona, Victoria, Australia. A 5 and 7 1/4 inch
railway. About 1.2km long running through cuttings and tunnels. (01-05-09)
|  | Australian Model
Railway Association Incorporated: Australia. AMRA is an association of
modellers who are interested in model railways of all scales and gauges.
Brisbane Miniature Train Show: Brisbane, Australia. Information for AMRA QLD Branch exhibition and the club in general. (6-7-06)
 | Chosen
Scale Cooperative: A group of modelers dedicated to expanding
modeling of New Zealand Railway prototypes in NZ120, a scale using
standard 9mm N scale track, wheelsets, and locomotive mechanisms. (6/29/97)
|  | Darling Downs Model Railway Club Inc.: Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. A detailed look at the club, what it does and what it is all about. (3-10-04)
|  | Diamond Valley Railway:
Melbourne, Vic, Australia. Introduction to a very active 7.25 in miniature
railway following Victorian Railway traditions. (10-25-02)
|  | Garden
City Model Railroad Club: Christchurch, New Zealand. Information
on club. (10/3/97)
|  | Hills Model Railway Society Inc.:
Sydney, Australia. Model railway society located in Baulkham Hills, Sydney NSW. Our aim is to promote the hobby of model railways.
Illawarra Model Railway Association: Wollongong, NSW Australia. Established 1961. Modelling in variety of scales and gauges. Australian, American and British exhibition layouts. Visitors always made welcome.(11-30-03)
 | Lake Hume Model
Engineers: Wodonga, Victoria, Australia. Miniature, operating
layout with 5" and 7 1/4" gauge locomotives and rolling stock. (5/24/99)
MelbNTrak: Melbourne, Australia. MelbNTrak is an N Scale club for modellers of US prototype railroads who exhibit NTrak layouts at exhibitions, schools and shopping malls. (5-29-05)
Mid West Model Railroad Exhibition Group: Sydney, Australia. Welcome to the home of the MidWest. Our exhibition layout, based in the Mid-West USA - 1950´s, is being developed and built in Sydney, Australia. Our website shows its progress to date, with pictures of construction and digital animations of planned aditions (12-3-06)
 | New
Zealand Association Of Model Railway Clubs, Inc: Listing of
member clubs, area reps, association conventions and exhibitions. (5/16/98)
|  | New Zealand Model Railway
Guild: Dedicated to modelling the NZ prototype. (5/24/99)
|  |
Noarlunga Model Railroaders Incorporated: Photos and
descriptions of
construction of our permanent and display layouts, exhibitions, clubrooms
and coming events. links to other train sites. (10-04-05)
|  | NTRAK
Australia: Initiated in response to the need to modify the NTRAK
electrical and size standards to suit Australian conditions, ensuring
that modules, built by clubs or individuals, can be transported to
shows/conventions and assembled into large layouts for reliable
operation. (6/29/97)
|  | Our Town HO
Model Railway Club: Newcastle, Australia. On the East Coast of Australia and
catering for all gauges. Keeping the hobby alive and international. (2-11-03)
|  |
Railway Modellers' Club of Queensland: Brisbane, Australia. A club with HO and N
scale model railways. Visitors always welcome. (7-5-03)
|  | Southside
N Scale Club: Brisbane, Australia. A group of railroad/railway
modelers with an interest in N scale trains. (7/23/97)
 | Sydney 'N'
Scale Model Railway Club: Sydney, Australia. You'll find images
of trains, our club layout, the location of the club, as well as a track
diagram. (2/6/98)
Sydney Society of Model Engineers: Sydney, NSW, Australia. Oldest live steam and model engineering club in Australia. Public open days. Live steam, G1, HO, model cars, boats, planes etc. (11-17-05)
 | Union Pacific
Model Railroad Club: Brisbane, Australia. Devoted to informing
visitors about our club and expanding interest in model railroading to
the young and young at heart. Please look around our site and we welcome
contact from all who pass by. (9/22/98)
|  | Victorian Model Railway Society: Melbourne,
Australia. Active modellers, including scratch builders, mostly Australian prototype.
Constructing new club layout Korumburra (VR). (1-9-03)
|  | Wairarapa Railway
Modelers, Inc: New Zealand. Club information, activities,
photos, and more. (7/17/98)
|  | West
Australian Model Railway Club Inc.: Perth, Australia. One of the oldest
model railway clubs in Australia, now in a new home. (9-19-02)
Sociedade Brasileira de Ferreomodelismo: são paulo, brazil. brazilian society of modelrailroading, founded in 1960, at São Paulo, Brazil, has the biggest layout in Brazil ( HO scale), and a N scale layout. (9-26-04)
Sociedade Brasileira de Ferreomodelismo: São Paulo - SP, São Paulo - Brazil - BR. Site da Sociedade Brasileira de Ferreomodelimo e suas maquetes na escala HO e N, com sede no Modelódromo do Parque do Ibirapuera, São Paulo - Brazil - BR. (10-2-04)
 | Club Chileno de Ferromodelismo:
El Club Chileno de Ferromodelismo nace como una necesidad espontánea
de expresión de un grupo de personas entusiastas que participaron en
un curso-taller dictado por el profesor Hugo Maureira. Es una
institución sin fines de lucro que está formado por miembros de las
más diversas profesiones, todos ellos unidos por este interés común.
(5/10/01) |
Märklin Café Chile - Ferromodelismo Märklin: Santiago, Chile. Sitio Web de Aficionados a los trenes de miniatura Märklin. Para noticias relacionadas con nuestra afición en Chile y en toda América Latina. (3-28-06)
 | Jydsk Model Jernbane Klub
: Aarhus, Denmark. The club is building an approximately 500 m2 model railroad
layout, after Danish example. Epoch III. Scale O 1:45. (English/Dansk)
|  | Aalborg
Model Railroad Club HO: Aalborg, Denmark. The club is building an approximately
100 m2 model railroad layout, after Danish example. Epoch III. Scale HO
1:87. (English/Dansk) (12/13/97)
Golden Spike, US Prototype Model Railroaders of Denmark: Copenhagen, Denmark. Golden Spike is the Model Railroad Club in Denmark for people interested in the diversity of railroads in USA. (10-3-06)
 | Märklin Club Of
Finland: Information on modeling and collecting Märklin trains,
along with a marketplace. (English/Suomeksi)) (7/3/97)
|  |
Pienoisrautatiekerho: Pienoisrautatiekerho Ry (The Model Railway Club) founded in
1951 is the oldest rail hobby association in Finland. The club layout "Löylymäki"
operated with the club members fully scratch built finnish outline rolling stock has won
prizes in many exhibitions around Europe. (English/Deutsch/Suomeksi))
|  | Tapiola Parish Model
Railway Club: Tapiola Parish, Finland. A Youth Center modular
club. (English/Suomeksi) (7/23/97)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schmalspur e.V.:
Narrow Gauge interest group - prototype and modelrailroad enthusiasts of all
railroads with a gauge less than 1435mm. (Deutsch) (8-19-01)
BDEF - Federal Association of Modelrailroaders and Railfans: Hannover, Germany. The BDEF is the umbrella association representing both model railroad clubs and other railroad enthusiasts. There are more than 300 clubs and organizations with a total of about 12,000 members organized in this national association. (6-7-04)
 | Bielefeld
Modelrailroad Club: Nach einer Zeitungsanzeige fanden sich 1972
sieben Enthusiasten zusammen, die den Modelleisenbahnclub Bielefeld gründeten.
Nachdem man sich zunächst in Gaststätten traf, um Gedanken über das
gemeinsame Hobby auszutauschen, wurde bald im Jugendheim Wellensiek
ein erstes Domizil gefunden. (5/10/01)
|  | Circle
Of Narrow Gauge Friends: Kiel, Germany. Information on this
narrow gauge club. (11/16/97)
|  | Eisenbahnfreunde
Heidelberg e.V.: Heidelberg, Germany. Information about this HO
model railroad and prototype club. (1/27/01)
|  | GermaNTRAK NTRAK German Division
NTRAK-Club with members from Germany, Switzerland and Austria. (4/15/01)
Märklin Spur-00 Portal: Aalen, Germany. Das Portal für klassische Modellbahnen bietet Informationen und Bilder rund um Vorkriegsanlagen. (6-30-04)
 | Modelleisenbahnclub Aachen
V.: Aachen, Germany. Club information and much more. (Deutsch)
|  | Modell-Eisenbahn-Club
Hannover e.V.: Hannover, Germany. Information on the club, along
with directions and meetings. (8/14/97)
|  | N-Trak Deutschland: We're
searching for people in Germany interested in North American railroads
and building NTRAK modules. (9/17/99)
The Spa Railway: Bad Schwalbach, Germany. A short narrow-gage railway in the
Bad Schwalbach spa gardens, formerly a "mud railway"
(English/German/Dutch). (8-31-03)
Luedenscheid, Germany. (2-19-03)
 | Indonesian
Railway Modelers Club: Our aim is to provide information and
motivation for people interested in anything about railways, either
models or prototype. (4/20/00)
 | Israeli
Model Railways Club: The window for Israel Railways and private
company models in HO and N scale. You will see also pictures from our
layouts. (9/7/99)
 | Associazione
Ferroviaria Sarda: Cagliari, ITALY. L'associazione non ha fini di lucro ed ha
lo scopo di promuovere, sostenere e diffondere l'interesse per le ferrovie e ogni altro
mezzo di trasporto su rotaia, sia nel campo reale che modellistico e fotografico, nei
loro svariati aspetti, ivi compreso l'eventuale restauro e preservazione di materiali
e rotabili storici. (3-16-02)
|  | Club la rotaia:
Rome. Scopo principale del Club è lo sviluppo, l'approfondimento
e la divulgazione della cultura del Treno reale e in miniatura. (5/10/01)
|  | IMRA -
Italian Model Railroad Association: This is a new association in
Italy. We are all ready to work for model railroading. If you speak
Italian call us. (7/19/98)
|  | Gruppo Fermodellistico
Milanese: Milan, Italy. Information on the club and lots of
other Italian railway items. (Italian) (1/31/98)
 | Club Modular
HO: First modular layout in Mexico. operated width DCC, articles, pictures links all about
Mexican model railroading.
(Spanish) (4/15/01)
 | Club de
Ferromodelismo de Cancun: Cancun, Mexico. Amigos del Ferromodelismo en Cancun.
 | Amsterdamse
Modelbouwers Club: Amsterdam, Holland. News, information, and
pictures of our HO layout based on the center of Amsterdam. (3/10/00)
Bramble Yard Page of
Rick en René: Vlaardingen, The Netherlands. Progress of our club
layout and many photo's of other great layouts found on the web and on
shows (12-14-03)
 | Model Railroad
Group's-Hertogenbosch: Netherlands. A Dutch railroad group with
over 100 members. We are building club layouts in several gauges: N,
HO-DC, and HO-Marklin Digital. Featuring our experiences during layout
building. (English/Dutch) (12/10/97)
|  | Modelspoorwegen: This is
the website of the Contactgroep NMRA Nederland. (3/15/98)
|  | Modelspoorwegclub
'Veenendaal': Provides information on the difficulties the model
railroader may face and gives tips. We also add our two monthly 'Stuurstand'. (5/24/99)
|  | Modelteam Meijerij: den Bosch, Netherlands. DCC driven California westcoast logging layout. (2-17-03)
|  | Netherlands Modelrailroading
Federation: All Netherlands societies are associated in this
Federation. It has relations with the MOROP. Plus info on events in
Holland. (5/30/99)
|  | De Nullijn: National
organization, Netherlands, Europe. Web-zine published by the Dutch O scale
Stichting Spoor-Nul Contact to inspire (Dutch) O-gauge modellers. (1-4-02)
|  | Slim Gauge Guild Of
The Netherlands: Club building On2/On3 layout with mix of
Colorado and California narrow gauge. (4/20/00)
TT modelspoorpagina : Hoek van Holland, Netherlands. Dutch TT site (4-14-06)
 | The Auckland Marklin Club Inc: Auckland, New Zealand. These are the web pages of The Auckland Marklin Club Inc, They contain information on Marklin Model Railroading in Auckland, New Zealand. (3-5-06)
 | Model Railway Association
Of Norway: Association information and activities. (Norwegian)
|  | Sandefjord
Model Railway Club: We build model railway layouts, take
journeys to railway sites, and arrange club meetings. The main purpose
is to engage young people in a constructive hobby, but people of all
ages are welcome. (9/7/99)
Trondheim Model Railroad Club: Trondheim, Norway. TMJK is the oldest MRR club in Norway founded in 1955. We are building layouts in H0 and Z scales. (12-21-05)
 | N-TRAK West:
Gothenburg, Sweden. Club information, photos, modules, and more. (9/26/98)
|  | Rannerallarna i
Goteborg Sweden: Gotenburg, Sweden. We are a crew interested in
railways in general and model railways in particular and are building an
HO layout. Club information, photos, modules, and more. Age of the club
is 20 years. (9/17/99)
Järfälla model railroad club : Jarfalla, Sweden. Järfälla model railroad club JMJK
commonly shortened to JMJK has a HO club layout in Järfälla, one of the suburbs northwest of Stockholm, Sweden.
The club was founded in 1974 and has been building on an American style layout since 1980.
 | SJK and TAG Official
Homepage: Swedish Railway Club and TAG, Sweden's largest railfan
magazine. (Swedish/English) (5/4/97)
|  | Stockholm Lidingö
American Model Railroad Association: Our layout is made of six
NTRAK modules combined by several parts. (7/23/97)
|  | Stockholm Model Railway
Club: H0 scale club layout of a fictitious but yet possible
railway in the iron ore mining part of Sweden. (Swedish/English) (1/28/99)
|  | Swedish Model Narrow Gauge
Society: A network of narrow gauge modelers in Sweden.
(Swedish/some English) (10/25/99)
 | American RR Fans:
We are a non-profit group and organize the only Convention for North American RR models since 1981 in Europe. The 13th Convention was held in October 2006 (3300 visitors) and the 14th Convention will take place in October 2009 in Adliswil (suburb of Zurich) Switzerland. Main theme: Evolution. We already have Brian Marsh (Overland Models) under contract as an exhibitor. If anyone wants to participate, just send an e-mail to the Chairman (Werner Meer):
|  | EMCH Eisenbahn Modell Club
Hindelbank die Spur 0 Gartenbahn: The Model Railroad Club
Hindelbank EMCH has a garden railroad in gauge 0 near Bern, Switzerland.
|  | FEAC Freiämter Eisenbahn Amateur Club
Switzerland: Model railway club in Wohlen (AG), Switzerland. O,
HO, and N scale layouts under construction. (English/German) (3/10/00)
|  | Ntrak Swiss Division:
Modular N scale railroad club of Switzerland with Ntrak standard module
layout. (7/14/98)
|  | Swissair
Eisenbahnfreunde: Bassersdorf, Swizterland. Describes our layout and our club activities. A lot of technical information and tips and a
photo gallery as well is available. (German/English) (3/10/00)
Círculo de Estudios Ferroviarios del Uruguay: Montevideo, Uruguay. C.E.F.U. is an organization that joins
people who loves model and real railroads. Also restores historical steam locomotives, coaches and wagons.
Photo Galleries:
N American: A-M
N American: N-Z
Modern Railfanning:
N Amer: RR Co's
N Amer: Locale
N Amer: General
Golden Age:
N American: A-M
N American: N-Z
Historical Society:
N American: A-E
N American: F-M
N American: N-R
N American: S-Z
Traveling By Rail:
Regional Systems
Tourist Sites:
States A-E
States F-M
States N-R
States S-Z
Rail Tours
Official Industry:
Railroad Safety