| Narrow Gauge & Industrial:
Specialist manufacturer and publisher of kits, books and magazine covering Narrow
Gauge & Industrial model railways - mainly UK & Europe.
 | National Balsa:
Where our number one goal is to save you money. We provide some of the best quality balsa and balsa products to be found anywhere in the world. (7/7/00)
 | N-deavour: Small N scale structures for layouts. (1/21/00)
New England Rail Service: Manufacturer of HO scale Pullman Parts Line and
HO freight car details through its subsidiary, Standard Car Company.
New England Scene: Manufacturer of typical small town, North Eastern U.S.
structure kits, some with Maine 2 foot themes. HO/HOn30/S/O.
 | N-Gauging Bridges: Offering a number of
designs of wooden hand crafted bridges and trestles in Z, N, and
HO scales. (5-4-04)
 | N.J.International: Model railroading accessories in HO, N, and O scale. (4/27/99)
 | NOCH: Produces everything you will need for model train scenery. (German/English soon) (3/1/98)
 | Norbrass:
Portuguese Brass Model Trains 1:87
scale. (6-7-02)
 | Northeastern Scale Models: We are a manufacturer
of model building supplies and laser cut kits. (4/20/00)
 | Northeast Model Products: Northeast Narrow Gauge offers modelers
a selection of large scale model railroad kits based on the narrow gauge railroads of North America.
 | Northeast Narrow Gauge: Northeast Narrow Gauge offers
modelers a selection of large scale model railroad kits based on the narrow gauge railroads of
North America. These kits are oriented to those who enjoy the process of building and are suitable
for both beginners and the experienced alike. (11-3-06)
 | Northwest Shortline: Provider of specialty
products for precision work on model building and drive mechanisms.
Norwegian railroad models: High quality models of Norwegian Locomotives
and wagons in HO and O-Scale. (7-13-04)
Nu-line Structures: Manufacturer of fine HO and N scale structures
and detail parts. (6-16-03)
 | N Scale Kits:
American intermodal and flat freight cars (5-5-08)
 | N Vision models:
Taking N scale to the limit! Offering quality finescale 1:160 models that
are custom built to order. (7-7-05)
O gauge dual action animations: Bring your layout to life with dual
action animated modules (6-15-01)
 | O-Scale-Models:
Manufacturer of super-detailed ready-to-run models in O-Gauge (scale)
at reasonable prices. (English/French/German)
 | O-Scale Traction:
 | OK Streamliners:
Manufacturer of all metal passenger cars in HO and O gauges.
Custom service available. Downloadable catalog. 100% Made in USA.
 | Oddball Decals: Decals in HO scale for
Missouri Pacific, Chicago Northwestern, Chicago Great Western, and other railroad, plus online color catalog. (8/13/97)
 | Old & Weary Car Shop:
A small business dedicated to producing hard to find model railroad items mainly for railroads in New York State. (7/6/00)
 | Olsen's Toy Train Parts:
A high quality parts reproducer for your Lionel, AF, Marx, AMT and Noma
trains and accessories. (7/22/97)
 | OMS Sound:
Sound systems for 3-Rail O gauge trains. (11/9/98)
On-Trak Model Products: Manufactures the former SS Ltd/Walker
Model line of vehicle kits in HO and O scale.
 | Online Metals: An online small quantity metals
supplier. Stock includes Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Titanium, Tool Steels,
Plastics and more.
 | Orange Vista Traction Products: HO scale trolley line poles, structures, and accessories. (9/15/98)
 | Oregon Rail Supply: Describes their entire
product line of HO signals and other products. (9/11/99)
 | OS Live Steam Locomotive: Models
powered by steam which has been produced by heating water with coal or LPG. Gauges
range from 3.5 inches to 7.5 inches. (9/25/97)
Overland Models, Inc.: Importers of quality brass
models. (3-3-05)
 | Out West Lumber Loads
: Manufacturer of lumber loads for flatcars, window kits, and accessories.
 | Ozark Miniatures
G scale detail parts: Manufacturers of G, 1:20.3, 7/8 White metal detail castings.
Also Logging equipment, steam donkeys. Manufacturer of G, 1:20.3, 7/8 dimensional lumber,
operating wood doors windows & siding. (1-14-03)
 | Pacific Western Rail Systems: Producers
and distributors of high Quality, assembled freight cars in HO and N. (7/9/00)
 | Palace Car Company - Precision Scale Model
Railroad Products: Palace Car Company, manufactures interior kits
for HO scale Model Railroad Passenger Cars. (1-11-05)
Paragon Narrow Gauge: Suppliers of the Roy C. Link range of 7mm scale 2 foot
gauge industrial narrow gauge kits. (4-11-05)
 | The Passenger Car Company: 1.6 scale
Streamlined passenger cars. Assembled or kits available. Painting all parts available.
List of cars, parts and prices. Images available. (4/20/00)
 | Paul's Trains:
Custom made large scale cedar and brass Howe bridges made to your specifications.
 | P-B-L:
Manufacturer of finescale Sn3 models and equipment. (7/6/00)
 | Peco: British manufacturer of track, switches,
and accessories. (5/4/97)
 | Pecos River Brass: Importer,
wholesaler, distributor and retail sales of brass in HO and N.
 | Pennsylvania Heritage Models:
Produces replacement power chassis in both S and O gauges.
 | Petite Pines Northern Model
Tree Manufacturer: PPN makes fine scale model trees
suitable for all scales that will fit most any budget.
 | Phil's Narrow Gauge:
Quality built, rugged rolling stock, kits and parts. F scale, 1:20.3.
 | Piko:
Piko was an East German Factory and is now a very modern German manufacturer.
 | Pine Tree Models:
Manufacturer of quality N Scale kits.
 | P.J. Fusco Toys
Of Steel: Operational O
gauge catenary system, bridges, and stations made
of metal. (7/6/00)
 | Plano Models: Specializing in
Photoetched detail parts for the model railroading industry since 1989.
 | Plastruct: World's
leading supplier of Plastic Scale Model Parts for
every facet of miniature scale model building. (10/25/98)
 | Potomac Steam
Industries: Specializing
in prototypical motive power for the garden
railway. (5/4/97)
 | Powerline Models:
Manufacturers of RTR HO Australian Prototype Rolling stock and Locomotives.
 | Precision
Locomotive Works: Exclusively N Scale - Custom painters specializing in Santa Fe
and other western roads. (5-8-03)
 | Pre-Size Model Specialties: Pre-Size is a
manufacturer of model railroad scenery accessories specializing in tunnel portals,
retaining walls, abutments, bridge piers, culverts and loads. (5-7-02)
 | Precision
Miniatures: Manufacturer
of South African Railway steam engines, rolling
stock, and lineside structures in HO scale. (7/7/00)
 | Precision Craft Models:
Quality in Model Railroading Products.
 | Precision Scale Co:
Kits and super detailing parts (1-29-05)
 | Prestige Series Architectural Models:
Provider of rail related replicas of prototypes offered in both Hand crafted rail related models and kits.
Pro Model Builders: Resin car kits HO scale 2 kits offered currently.
 | PROTO:87 STORES: After about 13 years, we are still the only manufacturer and supplier of HO scale actually accurate (and hence actually realistic) track and track parts. The site is quite large compared to most and we have lots of prototype and helpful info for folk who just want to browse. We were awarded a rare NMRA track standards compliance warrant.(2/12/09)
 | Promotex /
Herpa: HO scale
vehicles for the collector and hobbyist. (3/27/00)
Prototype Models: Manufacturer of modern North American prototype's.
Products include, Details, Locomotive Kits, Rolling Stock, Structures, and many more items.
 | Putt Trains Inc.: S Gauge Model
Trains American Flyer compatible or S Scale. (8-17-04)
PVRFD Model Railroad Decals: Decal manufacturer for Brazilian railroads,
such as ALL, RFFSA, FEPASA, FCA and others. Custom service available. (Portuguese).
 | Q Connection: Currently
provides products relating to the CB&Q; Laser-cut
structures, rolling stock, detail parts, some
decals, paint, apparel, and other miscellaneous
products. (2/19/00)
 | Rail Classics: Importers of
PRR "HO" scale brass products: steam
locomotives, motive power, rolling stock and
structures. (9/17/98)
 | Rail Systems
Company: Builders of
ready to run 1.6" scale and larger live
steam/diesel models and track laying systems. (5/30/99)
 | Railmaster Exports:
New Zealand company producing pewter kits and built models of Sn3 locomotives,
autos, and figures. (1-23-02)
 | Railroad
Graffiti Exchange: Making
available collectible, fully decorated, limited
production cars in HO-scale, as well as a range
of graffiti decals in O, S, HO & N scales. (4/20/00)
 | Railroad Express: Layout Details make
all the difference! We offer precision "O" and "G" Scale detail accessories,
from real hay bales to Windmills and Whiskey Kegs. (4-6-05)
 | Railroad in a Box: Railroad in a Box is a kit-built,
light weight, portable model railroad layout. (1-22-07)
 | Railroader
Hobbies: Backdrops for
model rail layouts from around the world:
Australia, USA, Canada, Great Britain, or New
Zealand. Photo realistic actual locations. (3/27/00)
 | Rails Unlimited: Manufacturer
of decals in HO and O scale. Also of Urethane
cars in O scale.(6/19/98)
 | Railway Design
Associates: Product
information on their HO, N, and O scale building
 | Railway
Engineering: The finest
turnouts made, plus switch stands, motors, track
laying tips, and more. (7/28/97)
 | Railway
Railway Recollections manufactures high precision model railroad kits -
specializing in narrow gauge. Check out our HOn30 Climax Loco!
 | Rail Scale Miniatures:
Manufacturer of Canadian railroad related structures in limited runs of
HO scale craftsman kits. (8-21-02)
Rail Town Model Railroad supplies: Wholesale/Retail New Spherical Water Tower
kits in HO scale. New Self Storage Facility kits in HO scale.
 | Rail Yard
Models: Our goal is to produce craftsman style model kits of
special interest railroad equipment from the 60's, 70's
and beyond. (11-7-02)
 | Rapido Trains:
Manufacturing high quality models of modern passenger trains.
 | Realistic
Backgrounds: We sell
backdrops (pre-made and custom) for model
railroads, as well as accessories and model
buildings. (4/20/00)
 | Reboxx: Model train
boxes, foam inserts, and accessories. (8/9/97)
 | Red Caboose: Manufacturers
of prototypically authentic, detailed injection-molded
plastic HO and N scale rolling stock kits. (3/27/00)
 | Red Cap Line Passenger Car Interiors:
Red Cap Line product line with prototypically correct passenger car interior parts
and details. Including detailed part discriptions and photos.
 | Redcraft Precision Railway Models:
Manufacturer of 7mm brass industrial loco kits incorporating solid profile screw together
 | Rem's Railroad
Models: HO, O, and S
scale narrow gauge kits. (3/27/00)
 | Resin Unlimited: Manufacturer
of unique vehicles, ships, locomotives, and
details. (7/9/99)
 | R.F. Giardina
Company: Manufacturer
of parts for American Flyer S, HO, and O. (9/26/98)
 | RG Enterprises:
Manufacturers of HO scale Howe Truss and Trestle kitset bridges and three
versions of electronic throttles/controllers. (9-2-01)
 | R&G
Railroad Company: Providing you
with the best in wall or ceiling mounted "G"
and "O" Gauge railroad trains and setup
 | Rib Side Cars: Milwaukee Road's distinct
rib side cars in HO scale. (7-18-04)
 | Ricks Electric Train Repair:
Quality repairs and service of Lionel, American Flyer and other major brands of trains,
transformers and accessories. (9-8-02)
Rio Grande Models: Manufacturer of HO, HOn3, Sn3, On30 and On3 kits and
parts. (1-29-05)
 | Rivarossi: All the
Rivarossi products come from prototypes existing
in reality and they reproduce, in the finest
details, the original models.(1/21/00)
 | River Raisin Models: Manufacturer of
high quality 3/16ths scale brass model railroad equipment for over 12 years.(4/12/01)
 | Rix Products /
Pikestuff: Online
catalog of products, direct ordering information,
plus Rix layout tour. (7/3/97)
 | RKS Trains Plus: Australian manufacturer,
dealer and distributor of N and HO detail parts, decals and other fine
imported products.(4/12/01)
 | RMI Railworks: Your single
source for personal railroad supplies. For the
finest quality engines, cars, castings, track,
structures, and controls please visit today.(3/27/00)
 | Roco: One of Europe's most prestigious model
train and model railroad equipment manufacturers.
 | Rod Miller's
Web Pages: Site describes custom drives, scratch building services,
upgrading and repair, and DCC services offered by Rod Miller.>(5/13/00)
 | Rolling Rails:
Rolling roads to assist in testing and construction in all gauges
from N gauge to O gauge.
 | Rollins
Railroad Design: Electronic kits, HOn30 kits, Class A Climax kit, Speeder kit.
 | Ross Custom Switches: Manufacturer of Switches for O Gauge.
Roundhouse Engineering: UK Manufacturers of live steam locomotives
in 32mm and 45mm gauges. (10-15-05)
 | Roundhouse Trains (aka
Model Die
Manufacturer of Roundhouse locomotives, rolling
stock, and accessories in HO, N, and G gauge. (10/12/97)
 | RTrains:
New Portuguese manufacturer produces HO wagons of Portuguese Railways.
(Portugese) (6-19-02)
 | RTR Models SA P/L: Manufacturers
and sells HO scale model railway rolling stock
and line side structures based on the Broad,
Narrow and Standard gauge prototypes seen in
 | Ruco European models:
Ruco is a small company producing plastic articles and very high quality railroad wagons.
 | Rusty Stumps Scale Models: O,S,HO and N laser kits and
detail castings (including stumps); roofing materials including corrugated metal; laser
cut windows, doors, fencing. (12-3-06)
Next: Manufacturers:
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