| Accu-Lites: HO scale locomotive lighting and DCC products. (5/4/97)
Accurate Lighting: Manufacturer of lighting and repowering kits, end of train devices
and high quality electrical components. (11-4-01)
 | Alliance Locomotive Products Inc.:
Repower motors for HO and N scales for many manufacturers such as Athearn and
Rivarossi. (5-9-02)
 | American Science & Surplus: Ever-changing
pile of incredible stuff at unbelievable prices: science and hobby kits, motors, tools
and electrical components. (5/18/98)
Aros Electronics: Manufacturer of precision movement model railroad equipment.
Products include transfer tables, digital turntable drive/indexing units &
automation for moveable bridges. Scales Z thru G. (6-30-04)
A-Train Systems: Model railroad electronics and control -
featuring A-TRACK, an easy-to-use, computer-based DCC system,
with related utilities and equipment. (10-30-04)
Bakatronics, A Passion For Trains: Electronics, Coffee Tables,
Plans and Fiber Optics for the Model Railroader. (1-29-05)
 | Battery chargers, rectifiers and DC-DC converters:
Manufacturer of battery chargers, rectifiers and DC-DC converters for railroad and station applications.
Bazooka Electronics: Bazooka Electronics provides innovative
electronic products for the model railroading enthusiast.
 | CVP Products: Easy DCC, Railcommand System,
and more. (3/5/99)
 | CTC the easy way:
Assembled and tested field control unit works with most control systems.
CTI Electronics:
Manufacturer of computer controlled model railroad control systems and software
for integrating a PC into the operation of your model railroad.
 | Dallee Electronics Inc.: Model railroad electronics for the industry since 1976: digitized steam, diesel, electric, and other sound systems, throttles, detection circuitry / signaling and automation. (2/6/98)
 | DCC Braking and Dispatching
Controls: Controls for braking at signals, collision avoidance and station
dispatching that require no additional computer or software.
 | DCC Plus a Division of Classic Trains Plus: DCC PLUS specialising in
DCC and DCC Sound installations in Brass Locomotives. (11-17-06)
DCC Roundhouse: DCC Roundhouse specializes in the installation and sale
of DCC and sound decoders. (11-17-04)
 | DCC Train: LENZ, ATLAS, ZIMO, ESU Loksound, UHLENBROCK dealer. Wiring for DCC, installation of decoders, service, repair.
 | DCC Uncoupling:
DCC uncoupling cars in HO and N scale; plus a variety of DCC products and
services. (6-20-04)
Decoder Installation Services: Installation & Sales of DCC
products. (8-2-04)
 | Decoders,
software: LokSound, LokPilot, WinTrack, WinDigital, MacDigital,
Edi, Ladegüter Bauer, (import and distribution for Benelux & France (Europe).
 | DigiToys Systems: Competence and
security for the digital model railroader. (2/6/99)
 | Digitrax: Makers of Digital Command Control
(DCC) equipment. (5/4/97)
Doctor DCC!: DCC decoder installation, programming and
service. Model railroad electronics consulting. All scales, HO our
specialty. (4-7-04)
 | Duneland DCC: This site is for a DCC decoder installation service, run by a hobbyist for hobbyists. Fair prices and good workmanship. (12-30-06)
Electronics, Computers and Model Railways: Devoted to PC control of Model railway
and DCC - several projects to build, including popular Points controller.
 | Electronic Distribution Today: 100s of links to electronic parts distributors on the Internet. (12/10/97)
 | Electronix Express: Leading distributor of electronic components and test equipment. Specializing in custom kits and value-added services. (12/9/97)
 | Green Steam Products: Innovative products for model railroaders including detection, automation, lighting, and others. (10/24/98)
 | Heathcote
Electronics: Manufacture and Sell Train Detection, Automatic Control and
Signaling Electronic Products for Model Railways. (3-25-02)
 | HKE Gmbh Model railway electronics |
embedded control solutions:
Looking for cheap but powerful decoders? (2-26-02)
 | H&N Electronics, Solder Flux, Solder: Soldering products for the modeler. We feature Supersafe Soldering Flux, the safe easy to use flux. We sell direct and through Hobby Stores. (4/21/98)
 | Hobby Gauge Electronics: Train detection, controllers, custom systems to layout specific requirements,
DCC, and LED flashers, and accessories. All scales. (2/19/00)
 | Ingram Autocontrols: G scale block systems for automatic control of multiple trains on the same track. (8/16/97)
 | Innovative Train Technology Co.: Manufactures sound effects for cab control or
DCC. Whistles, horns, grade crossing, animals, nature, city, country, and more. (3/5/99)
 | Integrated
Signal Systems: Manufacturer of HO signals and control electronics.
 | The Innovator Line: by Alpine Division Scale Models. Walk-around throttle for HO and N scales.
IronPenguin Electronics: Arc Welders, tower beacons, emergency vehicles,
sound modules, block detectors, trolley module. (8-18-05)
 | Lenz Digital Plus: Maker of Digital Command
Control systems. (5/4/97)
 | LED
Led lights, 5mm, 3mm, white, red, yellow, green, for RR Crossings, etc.
 | Light Bulbs Ent: Light Bulbs,
hid lamps, fluorescent lights and all your lighting, ballasts & transformers from one great
store. (7-1-03)
Litchfield Station - DCC equipment and installation:
Litchfield Station sells DCC equipment and installs decoders. Litchfield Station also
manufactures some exclusive DCC related products.
 | Logic Rail Technologies: Manufacturer of
model railroad electronic products. (5/4/97)
 | Loys Toys: We manufacture various DCC
accessories, as well as specialize in DCC sales and support. (1/28/99)
 | Märklin Digital:
Description of homemade Märklin Digital Command Control system. (German) (5/4/97)
 | Marson Electronics: Electronic controllers
and functional equipment for model railroaders. (2/6/98)
 | Mashima Denshi Industry Company Ltd.:
Manufacturer of 12V DC motors for all scales of model railroad locos. Wholesale only.
 | McCullum Railroad
Controls: Point to point model railroad controllers. (2-26-03)
 | Miniatronics:
Electronics for the hobbyist...incandescent lamps, LED's, switches. Manufactured products:
Electrak Clean, Interior Car Lighting, Strobes, Power Distribution Blocks, Micro Mini Connectors, etc.
Model RailWorks: Design and manufacture easy to use custom
electronic microcontroller based solutions for Model Railroads.
If you haven't been able to find a product that will do what you want,
look no further and contact us with your request. (2-9-05)
 | Model Rectifier Corporation
(MRC): Manufacturers
of model train control and sound systems. (7/3/97)
 | Model Trains Electronics: Sound and voice recording modules sensor
activated. RR crossing lights. Traffic lights. Easy to install and compatible
with all scaled model railroad. (10-1-04)
 | Modellismo Portigliatti:Hardware and software to control layouts with
digital systems and computer. Layout accessories.
(English/Italian) (2/19/00)
 | Mouser Electronics: Over 70,000 electronic parts
and tools from many manufacturers. Free print, online, or CD-Rom catalog.
 | MPLX Eelectronics Systems: MPLX Electronics Systems is an electric/electronic
design and manufacturing company that provides solutions for model railroad electronics. (9-6-06)
 | N Scale Lighting Products For Model Train Sets: We offer street lighting for your N
scale train layout at very competitive prices. Our range includes light poles
from the 1960 to 1990 era to complement your layout. Come in and find out
more. (6-3-03)
 | NCE: The Power Of DCC: manufacturers of the
Powerhouse Pro, the simplest, no nonsense, easy-to-use DCC system available.
 | Oak Tree Systems: Control and signaling
electronics for model railroads, featuring the Railroad Control Interface for PCs.
 | OPI Industries: Manufacturer of HO and N scale
Trac-Lite. (5/13/00)
 | OTT Machine Services: Makers of
OMS sound systems for steam and diesel 3-rail trains. (8/10/97)
 | Papa's Trains: I provide a
custom service for installing decoders, and re-motoring locomotives along with other
installations. (2/6/98)
 | P.H. Hobbies: Design and sell model train
sound systems and power supply systems. (3/27/00)
 | Phoenix Sound Systems: Model railroad
sound systems plus online samples. (6/5/98)
 | The Power Scaler: Designed specifically
for N scale, the Power Scaler uses precision electronics to redefine the full scale throttle
range of your power pack. (5/18/98)
 | PTC Model III: The most advanced, reliable,
and realistic turntable indexing system available today. (3/27/00)
 | QSIndustries: Dedicated to the design
and manufacturing of electronics for model railroading since 1982. (10/10/98)
 | Rail-Lynx Infra-red Command
Control System: Rail-Lynx, makers of Infra-red cordless command control system. Also
offers programmable circuit breakers, fast clocks, and other hobby electronics.
 | RailTronics: Software and electronic
solutions for railroad hobbyists and enthusiasts. (10/30/98)
 | Remote Control Systems: Manufacturers of
digital radio control for trains. (12/13/97)
 | Remote Control Systems Of New England: Track,
battery and live steam radio control throttles. (5/30/99)
 | Richmond Controls: Manufactures simple
and special effects (Mars Lights, Gyralights, etc.) lighting modules for locomotives, rolling
stock, and scenery items for all model railroad scales, Z through 1-1/2", as well
as other specialty electrical and electronics items for model railroad applications.
 | RR-CirKits: DCC and DC Block Occupancy
Detectors. Computer Interfacing. DCC Uncoupling. Information and PC Boards for
DIY. (2/6/99)
 | Scale Like Ind.:
Affordable electronic's for the demanding modeler, including
EOD's, fiber optics, micro plugs, DCC plugs, and more. (2/19/00)
 | Scott's Odds-n-Ends, Inc.: Electrical "Odds-n-Ends" for Model Railroading
Enthusiasts. Relays, spike protection, wire & accessories.
 | SignalMan 3.0: Computer control for
model railways. (2/6/98)
 | Signal Research: Roadmaster Digital
Block Control (DBC) Train System. Allows independent control of up to 99 trains without any
engine modifications. (7/9/99)
 | Sites & Lites: Custom installation of DCC. Custom design DCC and
DC lighting systems. (7-17-01)
SKD Electronics: We manufacture a range of units which automatically control signals, points and engine speeds together with a variable speed clock, relay and timer boards.
 | SoundTraxx: Manufacturers of steam and diesel locomotive sound systems, throttles, and
DCC. (6/5/98)
 | Southern Digital: Makers of DCC equipment.
 | Springhaven Shops: Manufacturers of
DCC-compatible power supplies and authorized Digitrax dealer.
 | SwitchMaster: Quiet and reliable slow-motion switch machines and accessories.
 | TCH Technology:
Infrared positioning devices. Current detection devices. Automatic Staging controls. Signal
controls. (3-4-02)
 | TMI Digital:TMI Digital makes Crossing Signal Controllers, Block Detectors and Lighting circuits for Model Railroading.
 | TracTronics: Manufactures throttle,
signaling, and computer control electronics products for model railroads.
 | Train America Studios: Our Command Control
Upgrade Board will allow you to run all your engines with the Lionel TrainMaster
Command System and the Cab-1 Remote Control, in the full command mode.
 | Train Mania: The most affordable Crossing Flashers,
EOT, Train Detectors and Electronic Crossing Bell. (6-22-04)
 | Umelec: Manufacturer of
ATLplus and other DCC components. ATLplus is a very interesting solution for
remote and signal controlled engines on your track. With their new digital
block control you get security and automation for all the trains you don't
control directly. This is all possible without using a PC.
 | Viessmann Model Railroad Accessories: Manufacturer for model lamps, signals, cars
with light, catenary and electronic modules (digital and conventional)
for G, H0, TT, N and Z
scale. (9-24-01)
 | W.S. Ataras Engineering: Manufacturer of model railroad train detection and signaling products, and a distributor of products related to signaling and train control.
 | Western Rail Products: HO, N and G/O Scale products to add life to your model railroad rolling stock, such as
EOTs. (7/9/00)
 | WirelessMicroColorCamSystem: Ride inside your engine. Affordable. As low as $79.95.
"N" Scale or larger. Yes, it is that small.
 | Zimo Elektronik: DCC model railroad control systems and accessories all conforming to the NMRA DCC standards.
 | ZTC Systems: We manufacture DCC model railroad system components that operate to the NMRA standards.