| 3mm Modelling
With John Walker: Information and articles for modeling in this
scale. (11/1/99)
 | 7mm Scale
Drawings: Model Graphics 7mm Scale drawings and instructions for
scratch building of British locomotives. (1/27/00)
 | Alsace Lorraine
Railroad (France): All about the Railroad in Alsace-Lorraine.
Great model HO layout of Luxembourg. Lots of train pictures, prototype
and model. (1/27/00)
 | americaN:
N-scale module standard for North American single track modules, compatible with
FREMO N90 and optional with oNeTRAK. (12-14-01)
 | Amici Scala N:
Italian N Gauge Society connecting Italy's N Gaugers (of all interests) and those interested
in Italian Railways in 1:160. (5-8-03)
 | Brian's
Model Railways: A site containing details about my model
railways, plans, stock lists, and more. (10/31/99)
British Region Web site/Chat group: Find out what's happening in the British
Region from chat/meets/photos/layouts of members/links/etc.
 | Building
Of Station Veendam In HO: This site shows the building of the
station in my city, on which I worked for 2.5 years. It contains
pictures of the model and the original building. (9/8/00)
CCB railroad Mi pagina de Trenes: Pagina dedicada al modelismo ferroviario
y real, fotos, trucos, tecnicas, modelos, datos, etc. (12-16-04)
 | Chris
Gardner's Model Railway Magazine Index: An index to articles in
model railway magazines about the Southern Railway & Southern
Region. (10/31/99)
 | Danish
Model Railroading: Biggest overall Model Railroad site in Denmark, and still growing every
day. (Danish). (4/30/01)
 | Dick Beebe's
Homepage: Currently I'm constructing an OO scale model of
Penzance Station area of Cornwall, UK. (4/4/99)
 | Die
Eisenbahn-Mailbox: Die Railroad BBS besteht seit dem 01.08.94
und sollte eine reine Modelleisenbahn-Mailbox werden. Mittlerweile hat
die Railroad BBS einen riesigen Eisenbahn-, Modelleisenbahn- Computer-
und Freizeitbereich, der allen interessierten Benutzern kostenlos zur
Verfügung steht. In diesen Bereichen steht ein riesiger Sharewarepool
und ein anprechender Nachrichtenbereich zur Verfügung. (German)
 | Die Feldbahn
Seite: A site dedicated to modeling light railways.
(English/German) (7/3/97)
 | Ferreonet:
Eighteen years after acquiring a reasonable amount of rails from
Frateschi (Brazilian brand model railroading material), I decided to
set up a first model railroad in HO scale. During this whole time,
rails, wagons, locomotives and a few structures were forgotten in
cartoon boxes. (English/Portugese) (5/10/01)
 | Ferreomodelismo na
Internet: Good ideas and FAQ's for beginner's and senior model
railroaders. (Portuguese) (7/3/97)
 | The
Finescale 00 Page: This page is an attempt to show that there is
nothing magical about using finer standards for 16.5 mm gauge in 4 mm
scale. (10/31/99)
 | Finnish Modeling
Resources at Harrastukset.com: Resource and a virtual meeting place for the
train hobbyists and modelers. Information for the beginners as well as established
hobbyists. (the url and the name mean hobbies.com in Finnish, for those of you finding
the English meaning strange :) ) (12-15-02)
 | Modelling Finnish railroads:
Here are images and short story about my layout and my modelling hobby.
 | Fleishman Forum: A
gathering place for collectors and modelers to exchange information
about Fleishman trains. (German/some English) (7/2/97)
 | French
Model Railroads: One of the best information exchange platform on the net for those who are
passionate for model trains in France and French speaking countries.
Links, information, electronics, help, and more are available on all kind of model railroad issues covering the
world. (Francais). (4/25/01)
German Railways Forum: Discussion forum for both modellers and fans
of German Railways. English language. Lots of photos. (3-25-05)
 | GWR
Modelling: Extensive notes and links for modellers of the
Great Western Railway in Britain, including lists of GWR kits and
Ready to Run stock; details of loco and rolling stock liveries; GWR
modelling projects and extensive lists of GWR-related links. (5/27/01)
Greek train models: Train models that fit to Greek prototype.
 | Greg's
Central: Weekly update of world links to real and model trains,
pictures and layouts. Tips, tricks, and other related stuff. (1/27/00)
 | Grosvenor
Sidings: Modeling projects by Keith Norgrove, including building
an operating turntable, signaling aspects, and more. (7/14/00)
 | Guide to Z-Scale:
Reworked information on Z-Scale which was originally puiblished in "Greenberg's Guide
to Märklin Z". (11-24-05)
H0T - A Transition to Proto87 (P87): H0T uses same dimensions as Proto87, but allows
wheel flanges up to RP25 level (recommended: 0,012'' to 0,02''/0,3 mm to 0,5 mm).
 | Information About Gauge 1
(Spur1=Scale 1:32): Here you find information about Scale 1:32
like Gauge1(Spur1) clubs, events, exhibitions, products, producers,
layouts, and photos of self-made models. (German) (3/4/99)
Italian Railway Society: UK-based organization of modelers, railfans, and rail historians
interested in railways of the Italian peninsula. (5-8-03)
 | The Japanese
Railway Modelling Homepage: A site dedicated to modelling Japan's railways,
one of the few in English. Information on the prototype, new models, control and a
virtual layout tour and much more. (3-1-02)
 | KC's
British Railway Web Pages: Articles, information and images on
various railway and model railway themes. (11/1/99)
 | Keiran Ryan
Models: A models railway page dedicated to improving, standards,
skill levels and model railways in general. Australian prototypes
featured. (3/5/99)
Länderbahn Forum: Provides information about European (especially German)
Railroads before 1920 - both prototypes as models.
(German). (1-2-05)
 | Leon's
Model Railroad Page: Web site with South African Prototype and
Model railroad information. (6/5/98)
Live Steam Model Locomotive: Building a 7 1/4" gauge Baldwin 4-4-0 live steam model
locomotive in 1:8 scale. (9-23-02)
 | Magic Paint: Este sitio les mostrara a
ustedes como hacer que un simple hobby se transforme en algo apasionante y
atrapante. (5/10/01)
 | Maintenance vehicles and
railroaders: Model trains, particularly maintenance vehicles and
railroaders. (7-26-02)
 | Märklin
locomotives from 1957 til today: All locomotives produced by Märklin since 1957
will be presented at this site. (German). (7-13-01)
H.A. Mquetas: Model workshop based in Lisbon, Portugal. Scale models, figures
and prototypes for Architectural, Engineering and Real Estate purposes, Museums and
private collections. (5-17-02)
 | Märklin
Mailinglist: The place where Märklin hobbyists can talk about
their hobby. (7/1/97)
 | Marriott
Railway Pages: Catalogue plus articles of interest to railway
fans and modellers. (9/8/00)
 | Martin
Adler Model Railroading With Marklin: Here you find information
about me, my job, and my model railroad activities. (1/27/00)
 | Mike's European O
Scale World: Mike' European O Scale site deal with European
prototype O scale and related items. (4/10/00)
 | Model Railways In
Southeast England: Dedicated to model railway layouts built and
exhibited by a small group of friends based in Surrey and Sussex, in
South East England. The scale of the layouts range from O to N gauge and
are modelled on both US and British locations. (3/12/00)
 | Modélisme
Ferroviaire du Poitou: Site sur le modélisme ferroviaire,
contient des photos de trains réels, et de modélisme. (10/29/99)
 | Modelling in
Nn3, British Style: A view of small scale narrow gauge modelling
from a UK perspective. (2/5/99)
 | Modellbahn
Collectors: Specializing in collecting Märklin trains, with
information on the models and clubs around the world. (7/3/97)
The Model Zone: International Forums dedicated to the modelling
enthusiast. Discussion, technical help, news, Beginners and advanced welcome.
 | New Railway Modellers:
A guide to railway modelling for beginners. Supplying practical advise and
information to modellers building their first layout.
 | New Zealand Rail Models
In 9mm Scale: This scale has been chosen because it provides a
correct scale to gauge relationship when standard 0 gauge track (32mm
gauge) is used to represent the NZR prototype gauge of 3' 6". (10/19/97)
 | Newton
St.James: Following the construction of a Gauge 0 (UK) layout to
Scale Seven standards. (3/28/99)
 | Nick's Model Page: This site is the homepage of a slightly eccentric
modeller, and his 'contribution' to the hobby. (9/8/00)
 | Norwegian
Modelrailway Photo Gallery Of Jan Olav Jørgensen: A page with
photos of Norwegian Railroad models. (9/11/99)
 | N Scale Community:
Show or Blog your layout, DCC info. Become a member of N scale Community.
 | OzBob's Narrow Gauge
Pages: Australian Narrow Gauge modelling and prototype. (3/12/00)
 | Phil Knife's Railway
Pages: My main interest is with the British prototype, but you
will find trains from all over the world here. (10/29/99)
 | Rail Exchange : Rail Exchange is a Model Railroad (MRR) Information exchange.
User submitted articles and news. (12-1-05)
 | Railroad In
Alsace Lorraine: Discover the great RR site of Lutzelbourg
(France), and the story about the railroad in Alsace-Lorraine. (French)
 | Railways In
1/32nd Scale: Promotes railway modelling in 1/32nd scale but is
generally related to all scales. Pictures of actual models and modelling
articles may be found here. (1/27/00)
 | Richard's Railway
modeling: Home of the fantastic N scale layout 'Littleton,' plus
electronic signaling projects. (2/15/98)
 | Rokal TT Gauge
Trains Page: Devoted to Rokal model electric trains. Rokal
trains have not been manufactured since 1969, and they are usually only
found through collectors' meets. (4/10/99)
 | Model
Russian Railways: Features information on modeling Russian and Soviet
railways in a variety of scales. (5-29-02)
South African Live Steam Classifieds:
Live Steam Classifieds sites on the internet. (10-25-02)
South African Railways Modelling Pages: What's available, tips 'n' tricks for
12mm gauge, how to avoid the ptifalls I've already made....!
 | Southern Railway
Modellers Research Pages: You can expect to find kit reviews,
sources of information, and links to sites of interest to the modeler
and researcher of the Southern Railway. (11/1/99)
 | Alan Stepney's
model engineering, steam & railway technical pages:
Technical information on model engineering, steam engines, railways, and workshop
 | Steve's Railway
Pages: Lots of articles on how to build model railways. Also reference
material. (1-10-03)
Steve's Railway Page: Model Railway sub-site containing articles on railway
modelling and links. (3-26-02)
 | The
Traincenter: A train site for HO scale that brings people to
each other. Chatboxes, message board and more. (1/27/00)
 | Triang Model
Railways: Site dedicated to Triang Railways. Manufactured in
the UK (and elsewhere) 1952-1965. A graphical site containing many
images. (4/10/99)
 | UK
Loco Models: Details and photos of 4mm scale UK models. (10/24/98)
 | UKrecmodelsrail:
Homepage for the Usenet newsgroup. Includes modelling 'How To', tips, news and a
comprehensive links section. (7-29-02)
 | Vía Libre:
"Via Libre" is currently the reference Spanish magazine of the world of the railway,
with a monthly circulation of nearly 15,000 copies. (Spanish) (7-12-01)
 | Winson
Owners Web Site: Winson Model Technologies Limited (Company
Profile), manufacturers of miniature steam engine kits as well as
more recently model WW2 tank kits, has experienced business
difficulties and is, at the time of writing, closed until satisfactory
arrangements can be made for the disposal or sale of the business. (5/27/01)
 | http://www.rail-france.org/:
Information on modeling all scales of French railways. (French) (7/29/97)