| 30"
Gauge Logging: History and photos of 30" gauge logging railroads
in California. (10/29/99)
 | Addison Railroad:
History and photos of the Addison Railroad, a branchline of the Rutland
Railroad, from 1871 to 1961. (8/29/00)
Boxcabs Page: Photos, history, and more. (2/6/99)
 | ALCoHauler:
Information and photos about ALCo diesel locomotives. (5/9/97)
 | All
Aboard: The Role Of The Railroads In Protecting, Promoting, And Selling
Yellowstone And Yosemite National Parks: A captivating thesis by
Joshua Scott James, including photos and reproduced promotional items
from the turn of the century. (8/25/97)
 | Unofficial
Algoma Eastern Railway Homepage: Information on one of Northern
Ontario's historical railways for modelers, railfans and historians.
 | An
American Classic: Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge
Railroad: by Robert T. Royem. A brief history, with photos,
of the D&SNGRR from the construction of the line to the present day
operations. (8/25/97)
 | American
Railroad Steam Engines with Sounds & History: Enjoy yourself
while viewing beautiful pictures and hearing sounds of steam engines of
various kinds and some history of each. (12/30/97)
 | American
Railroad Women Research Project: Rail women's research site with
info and updates about the project. Requests for input from women
railroaders. (9/8/00)
 | The American West:
The place to begin your research for those modeling the American West
from the boom town days to the ghost towns, including railroading. (2/6/99)
 | Another Lackawanna
Railroad Station: Railroading in New Jersey and New England over
the years. (7/20/98)
 | Archives
of Appalachia: Railroads: Accessible materials documenting the
cultural, economic, political, and social development of southern
Appalachia. (8/14/97)
 | Archy's
Train Page: Histories of Eastern & Southern narrow gauge
railroads. (11/22/98)
 | Arthur
U. Gerber--Transit Architect: Arthur Gerber designed buildings
for the interurbans and rapid transit lines under Samuel Insull's
control. Examples include the North Shore Line, the South Shore Line,
and the CTA in and around Chicago. Six stations are on the National
Register of Historical Places. (11/2/97)
 | Art's SP&S
Homepage: Diesel and diesel rosters, photos, paint schemes, plus
timetables, collectibles, and much more. (3/10/98)
 | Atlantic &
Yadkin Railway History And Modeling: Focus on history and
modeling of a Southern Railway subsidiary shortline from Mount Airy to
Sanford in North Carolina. (3/12/00)
 | Austrian
Ebepe Railroad: Austrian steam locomotives. (5/23/01)
 | Baldwin Diesel Zone:
A railfan website dedicated to Baldwin diesel locomotives. (9-21-05)
 | Baltimore
& Ohio Railroad Network: Articles about the B&O along
with links to other sites that contain information about and/or
photographs of the railroad. (4/10/00)
 | Batman's
Train Antiques: A true Railfan's website, with emphasis on
railway archaeology, steam locomotive salvage, restoration,
collectables, memorabilia. (9/8/00)
 | Belfast
& Moosehead Lake: Photographic history of Maine's Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad.
 | Birmingham
Rails: A web site about railroads and industries in and around
Birmingham, AL. This page is intended to share my interests in
railroads, history of technology, and my perception that there is a lot
of great railroad history and activity in Birmingham, AL.(9/8/00)
 | Birth
Of California Narrow Gauge: Discussing the history and
preservation of narrow gauge railroading in the Golden State.
 | Unofficial Boston
& Maine Railroad Page: An overview of B&M history, with
photos and further references. A nice place to start your B&M
research. (7/19/98)
 | Boxcar Whitey's Boxcarfull of Lore, etc.:
A compendium of railroad lore, tall tales, witticism, misrepresentations,
traveling anecdotes,&c., written by the Illinoisan Gentleman of Leisure,
Boxcar Whitey. (12-12-04)
List: The purpose of the list is for historians, railfans and
railroad modelers to discuss the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
railroad and/or its predecessors. (9/6/98)
 | British
Columbia Archives: An online listing of government documents and
records, private historical manuscripts, maps, architectural plans,
photos, videos, films, and more dealing with BC and the Pacific
Northwest. (9/27/97)
 | The Broad Way:
A Pennsylvania Railroad Home Page: Prototype and model data
about the Standard Railroad of the World. (1/31/98)
 | Brooklyn-Manhattan
Transit: Dedicated to presenting the history of the
Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Corporation (1923-1940).
 | BUDD-RDC List:
The BUDD-RDC list deals with the past, present and future of these unique Budd cars.
 | Buffalo
Central Terminal Restoration: Comprehensive site showcasing the
past, present and future of the New York Central's Buffalo Central
Terminal. (11/2/97)
 | C.
Robert Craig Memorial Library: Established in 1994 to collect,
preserve and make available to the public, materials that document the
history of rail transportation in Canada, with an emphasis on eastern
Ontario. These materials comprise books, slides, photographs, plans and
magazines, as well as archival materials of Ottawa-area railroad-related
organizations. (6/29/97)
 | Catawissa Railroad:
Restoring 13 cabooses, a tunnel, a train bridge, and more in Catawissa,
PA. (5/7/97)
 | California Zephyr Virtual
Museum: Preserving the memory of the Silver Lady through
the display of memorabilia, such as digitized postcards, timetables,
diner menus, advertisements, and more. (5/9/97)
 | Canadian Pacific Railway
Archives: A showcase of
some of the best photographs and graphic art from CPR's archives in
Montreal. (5/14/01)
Street Railways: Each city street-railway system, and each
interurban electric railway system, is listed with the start and end
dates for revenue passenger operation, along with other available
information. (10/13/97)
 | Carolina Northwestern RR: The
C&NW list is dedicated to keeping the memories of the Southern Railway subsidiary Carolina
and North-Western and affiliated lines alive.
 | C&O's Piedmont
Subdivision: This site chronicles the history and development of the
C&O's Piedmont Subdivision and includes photos, maps, and modeling
information. (12-29-02)
 | The Carferries Of
Ludington: Dedicated to preserving the history of the world's
largest fleet of railroad car ferries, which transported trains for the
Pere Marquette, C&O, and Chessie System. (9/3/97)
 | Car Ferry History: Auto Classics, Inc, listing of car ferrys now and then. (02-15-10)
 | The Carillon
& Grenville Railway: Canada's Last Broad Gauge: A history of
the Carillon & Grenville Railway, Canada's last broad gauge railway.
Also covered is the subsequent re-use of part of the right of way by the
Canadian Northern Railway and its abandonment under Canadian National
Railways. (9/8/00)
 | The Centerville
Depot: An overview of the histroy of the Centerville, CA Depot
with a number of photos spanning most of the Twentieth Century.
 | The
Central And Seaboard: Photos of SCL and CoG memorabilia.
 | Central Pacific Railroad Photographic
History Museum: Stereoviews, engravings, maps, and documents
illustrate the history of the first transcontinental railroad. Alfred A.
Hart and Andrew J. Russell stereographs. (3/28/99)
 | Steam Operations of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway at Hinton, WV.:
1930-1956, with drawings of major structures and historical and operational details.
 | Central Terminal Home
Page: A detailed history and legacy of Buffalo's only remaining
railroad depot from its construction to its demise, includes photos and
Real Audio. (10/18/97)
Chicago, Aurora
& Elgin Railroad: Information about the interurban line that
once connected Downtown Chicago with the Fox Valley communities of
Elgin, Geneva and Aurora. (7/10/99)
 | Chicago, Burlington
& Quincy Railroad: All kinds of interesting stuff about this
North American railroad that existed from 1849, when it was founded as
the Aurora Branch Railroad, through 1970.
& North Western Page: Collecting information on the C&NW
through digitized postcards, photos, histories, and more.
 | Chicago
Interurbans Page: History and photos of Chicago's interurban
railways. (8/2/97)
 | Chicago North Shore &
Milwaukee Railroad: Historical and pictorial view of America's
Fastest Interurban, the beginning and the end of the Chicago North Shore
& Milwaukee. (3/30/98)
 | Unofficial Chicago Great
Western Page: Photos, historical, and technical information
about the Chicago Great Western Railway. (10/2/98)
Unofficial Chicago
Great Western Railroad/Railway Page : Valuable historical and
technical information about the Chicago Great Western Railway, along
with photos. (1/3/98)
Tunnel Company Railroad: Tells the story about a 60-mile,
two-foot gauge electric railroad that operated 149 locomotives and over
3000 freight cars in small tunnels forty feet below the streets of
downtown Chicago. (7/9/99)
Cars: Page about chickens and the cars they rode in.
 | Choctaw
Terminal - Little Rock, AR: History and photographs of Choctaw & Memphis (Choctaw,
Oklahoma & Gulf/Rock Island) freight station in Little Rock, Arkansas.
 | Cleveland Union
Terminal Collection: Online listing of engineering records at
the Cleveland State University Library. (5/4/97)
 | Climax
Locomotive: History and photographs of the Climax Patent Geared
Locomotive. (10/2/98)
 | Clinchfield
Railroad: This collection is the collaborative effort of several
Clinchfield railfans bringing to you the glory of this somewhat remote
railroad. (9/13/99)
Coal Belt Library: Prototype and model pictures, includes South
East Coal Co. (9/13/99)
 | The
Coalcracker: Paying tribute to past and present Pennsylvania
anthracite miners and the railroads that haul the coal across the state.
 | Colin Churcher's
Railway Pages: A varied collection of Canadian subjects,
including the Thurso & Nation Valley logging railroad, significant
dates in Canadian railroading, and more. (9/27/97)
 | Colorado
Lore, Legend, & Fact: Extensive information and photos of
Colorado towns, mines, and history, much of which is tied up in narrow
gauge railroading. (2/6/99)
 | Colorado Midland Railway: Images and short history of "The Pike's Peak Route", the
first standard-gauge railroad across the Colorado Rockies.
 | Colorado
Railroads: Coverage includes historical, narrow gauge and
tourist railroads as well as standard gauge. You will find out about the
prototypes' history, current operations, and photos. Plus N scale
modeling. (German/English) (2/6/99)
 | Columbia
County Logging Railroads: History and photos of logging
railroads in Oregon. (8/25/97)
 | Confederate
Railroads: Maps and details of the railroads and equipment of the Confederate
railroads. (3-25-02)
 | Conrail Cyclopedia:
Your essential Conrail website. Over 1,000 high-quality photos
covering all aspects of Conrail--locomotives, freight cars, MoW, shops,
and more. Detailed articles for the modeler and railfan. Predecessors
such as PC, LV, RDG, EL, and others also covered. From the fellow that
brings you the NMRA Directory! (4/1/98)
 | Copper
Range Railroad Historical Page: History, models, and more about
this railroad and section of the country. (5/7/97)
Copper River
& Northwestern Railway: Historic run-down of the Copper
River & Northwestern Railway, and Historic Kennecott-Alaska
Minegroup during the early part of the century. (10/24/98)
 | Cotton Belt
Railway Website: A history of the SSW in text and photos.
 | Craig's
Railroad Homepage: Information about unusual narrow gauge
railroads and past railroading operations in the Southwest deserts.
 | Critter
Connections: Lots of information and photos of narrow gauge
"critter" locomotives. (11/16/97)
 | Danger Ahead--Historic
Railway Disasters: Each accident described here is a story of
human frailty, systems failure or just plain ignorance as well as
examples of individual courage. (12/14/97)
 | Dave's
Art Gallery: Though I like to paint and draw a large variety of
subjects, I am most fascinated with trains. The love I have for trains
combined with my artistic abilities allow me to express the true passion
I have for these massive machines of yesteryear. Mainly PRR.
 | Denver & Rio Grande
Western: Modeling, photos, memorabilia, and a lot more for the
D&RGW. (9/8/00)
Homepage Of The Denver & Rio Grande Western: This site give
plenty of information about the D&RGW along with the Moffat Road.
 | Denver & Rio Grande
Western: History, photos and drawings of D & RGW narrow
gauge. (5/27/01)
 | The Diesel Shop:
The home of First Generation diesels, with information, photos,
catalogs, and anything else dealing with these locos. Also news of
currently operating locos. (12/3/97)
 | Dome O' Foam:
SP on San Francisco Peninsula; Western U.S. RR's, 1950-70's; photos, ads,
maps, humor, weirdness; ex-SP Employees Corner.
 | Don Shorock's
Railroading Pages: Neat stuff from the Erie Lackawanna and the
Santa Fe railroads. (4/20/00)
 | Don Strack's Utah Rails: History and information about Utah railroads. Also
information about Union Pacific and Rio Grande.
 | Durand
Railroad Days - Official Site: Celebrates the legendary railroad
heritage of Durand, Michigan. Always held the weekend after Mother's
Day. (3/5/99)
 | Preserved North American Electric Railway Equipment: A comprehensive
searchable database listing over 2,000 pieces of equipment.
Locomotives Of The Pennsylvania Railroad: Brief history of the
development of electric motive power used on the PRR in the Northeast
Corridor and west to Harrisburg, PA. (1/30/00)
 | UNofficial EMD
Homepage: Database of EMD builders numbers, production records,
intended as a research tool. (6/05/98)
 | Erie
Lackawanna Collection At Akron University: An online listing of
primarily legal and financial materials used and produced throughout the
EL's final reorganization and liquidation process that began in 1972 and
ended in 1991. (10/4/97)
 | Erie
Lackawanna Mailing List: Dedicated to the discussion of the Erie
Lackawanna Railroad/Railway and its predecessors, the Erie Railroad and
the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. (10/3/98)
 | Erie Lackawanna
Railroad: George Elwood's huge EL site for the modeler or
historian. From the beginnings to beyond the Conrail merger.
Erie Railroad Personnel Rosters and Records: Designed for people researching
family members who worked for the Erie, this site contains employee
information, division rosters and history.
 | Eureka
Hill: The history and modeling of the Eureka Hill Railroad.
 | Existing Stations In
New York State: A large data base along with some photos
chronicling all stations in NY. (5/7/97)
 | Exotic Diesel
Locomotives: Pictures and information about the Alco PA and FA,
Baldwin Sharknoses and Babyfaces, FM Erie units and C-liners, and EMD E
and F units. You'll also find photos of modern-day railroading.
Chicago: Transport Facilities: Captivating histories in text and
photos of Chicago's railroad and elevated stations.
 | F-unit Roundhouse:
Your source for news and information about General Motors F-series
locomotives. (4/25/98)
Railroad: The Fallbrook Railroad was a part of the Pennsylvania
Division of the New York Central Railroad. Photos and book offer.
 | Fallen Flag Railroads Of
New Jersey: Retrospective look at New Jersey's Fallen Flags
through railroad maps, track profiles, physical characteristics, and
operating rules. (11/9/98)
 | Florida
East Coast Railway Key West Extension: Images and history of the FEC's Key West
Extension, one of the grandest railway engineering projects ever undertaken.
 | Florida Rails -
Passenger Trains To The Palms: Historic Florida railroad
timetables, online museum, A-Train simulations, regional rail directory
and book list. (6/19/98)
 | Fonda Johnstown &
Gloversville Railroad Page: The FJ&G was a short line
Railroad that ran through Fulton and Montgomery Counties of Upstate New
York. Photos and history of railroad, which closed 15 years ago.
 | Fred's Erie Railroad
Page: Devoted to the discussion and exploration of the Erie,
Lackawanna and Erie-Lackawanna railroads. (4/20/00)
 | Gandydancer I:
Old Motor coaches. (5/23/01)
 | Gandydancer
II: Maintenance of way equipment. (5/23/01)
Railroad Site: AT&SF, SP, LA&SL: Focusing on pre-Amtrak
passenger service in the West. Includes photos, schedules, recipes, and
more. (10/2/98)
 | Geared Steam
Locomotive Works: Preserving and promoting information on geared
steam locomotives: Shay, Climax, Heisler, Willamette, Dunkirk, and more.
 | GG1 Homepage:
Detailed info, photos, rosters, and more about PRR, PC, CR, and Amtrak
GG1s. (5/2/98)
 | Georgia RR - West Point Route List: The Pidcock Roads list is dedicated to keeping
the memories of the Georgia Northern/Pidcock Lines alive.
 | Ghosts Of
The Southline: Abandoned towns along the El Paso &
Southwestern Railroad in southern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona.
 | Glass Insulators:
Information, photos, and online resources for the study of railroad
telephone pole insulators. (5/5/97)
 | Golden
Years Of Transportation: About the 19th and early 20th
centuries, and what the early transportation was. (9/20/99)
Grand Rapids
& Indiana Railroad: The complete story of the GR&I, from
land grant lumber road to rail-trail. (4/10/00)
 | Graphite
Horse: Drawings of turn of the century railroading.
 | Great
Locomotive Chase: The famous Civil War story of Andrew's
Raiders. (5/9/97)
 | Great
Northern Railway Page: A good resource for the GN fan, featuring
timetables, photos, histories, maps, logos, and much more.
 | Great Northern Empire - Then and Now: The Great Northern Railway and what is left
of it today. A site for railfanning the old GN and for information about the Great Northern.
Features the all time GN diesel roster, dispositions and worn paint schemes.
 | Green Bay
Route: The Green Bay & Western RR, its predecessors, and
affiliated lines. Prototype and modeling information.
 | Harmer E.
Davis Transportation Library UC Berkley: Houses one of the
pre-eminent transportation collections in the US, and is the country's
oldest university transportation library. Online catalog.
 | A Harvey House Web
Site: The Harvey Restaurants, Hotels, and Lunch rooms -- and the
Harvey Girls -- brought civilization to the southwest, and brought
Southwest arts and culture to all America. This site tries to collect
information about the Harvey experience. (1/30/00)
 | The Hoboken Shore Railroad
Homepage: Information on the HSRR, complete with photos and
maps. (7/20/98)
 | Hocking Valley Railway
Historical Website: Designed to bring together fans of the HV
and its successors (C&O, CSXT). Includes history, photos, and more!
 | Hudson Bay
Railway: A grandfather's account of a cold day in May 1929 on
the railroad. (5/9/97)
 | Unofficial
Illinois Central Home Page: To provide a forum for information
about the Illinois Central. (9/11/99)
 | Industrial Heritage
Homepage: Preserving and sharing information primarily on
Pennsylvania railroading, coal mining, and iron/steel making.
 | Jeff's
Date Nail Page: An extensive, illustrated site explaining date
nails and the history of railroad tie preservation.
 | Joe's
Southern Pacific Site: History, photos, and models of the SP and
SSW. (8/2/97)
 | John Fryar's Nickel Plate
Road: An historical tribute and photos of the New York, Chicago,
& St. Louis Railroad (Nickel Plate). (7/26/97)
Valley Railway: Information, history, photos, and more about the
KVR in British Columbia, Canada. (5/7/97)
 | Keystone Crossings: A
fantastic source for the fan and modeler of the Pennsylvania Railroad
and it's successors. (10/11/97)
 | Kipp Teagues'
RetroWeb: Steam Locomotives: Photos and information on N&W
611 and 1218. (12/11/97)
 | Kishacoquillas Valley RR: A
History of the Ol' Hook & Eye : The KVRR was a 9-mile
shortline railroad in central PA. It also ran steam trains over a branch
of the mighty PRR (Pennsylvania Railroad). (9/8/00)
 | Kodtrak: Historical
info on NY Ontario & Western, Rail City, other railroads. Unofficial
Midcontinent Railway museum and model railroad pages. Lots of pictures
and some sounds. (6/30/97)
 | Ladder
Track: Unofficial information on the Illinois Railroad Museum,
railroad experiences, photos, and more. (5/9/97)
 | Lake Michigan
Car Ferries: Beginning in 1892, Lake Michigan's railroad car
ferries maintained a vital link across the big lake for nearly 100
years. Information on operations, history, current news, and more.
 | A Lehigh & Hudson River
Railway Scrapbook: A personal collection of L&HR photos,
history, and memorabilia. (9/11/99)
 | Lehigh Valley: A
good source of information and photos for the fan and modeler of the LV.
Library of
Congress Railroad Map Collection: 1828-1900: Included in the
collection are progress report surveys for individual lines, official
government surveys, promotional maps, maps showing land grants and
rights-of-way, and route guides published by commercial firms.
 | The
Little Railroad That Could: by Anthony Young. A history of
the Florida East Coast Railway. (8/20/97)
 | Little River
Locomotive Company: Live steam locomotive websites, narrow gauge
steam locomotive information, all steam locomotive related.
 | Living With Steam: The
Sounds Of Railroading In Buffalo: Featuring vintage sound
recordings of trains pulled by steam and first generation diesels from
the 40s and 50s. (4/25/98)
 | Loggers, Railroads and Pine: This site is devoted to preserving and sharing
the history of logging and railroading in and around the "Lucky Land of Lassen,"
located in Northeastern California. (12-7-01)
 | L&N - NC&StL Email
List: Homepage for this group's email list.
 | Lost
Engines Of Roanoke: A call to save four Norfolk & Western
steam locomotives that are rusting away in a scrap yard in Roanoke, VA.
 | Lost and Found Railroad Photographs: PRR, PC, CR, EL, and GTW photos from
the 50's, 60's, and 70's. (1-29-02)
 | The Louisville
& Nashville Project: The one-stop website for L&N
information, photos, etc. Promoting and preserving the greatest railroad
of the South. (9/17/99)
 | The E.B.
Luce Collection: Turn-of-the-century train and trolley photographs by Worcester, MA
based photographer Edwin B. Luce. (12-19-02)
 | Mack's Train
Stuff: Recollections of railfanning on the Katy, Frisco, and
Rock Island through photos, histories, rosters, and more.
 | Maine
Central Railroad: Photos, roster, modeling, and more.
 | Maine Central
Remembrances: Dedicated to the Maine Central Railroad. Will have
rosters for locomotives, rolling stock, cabooses and other items.
 | Maine
Two-Footers: A comprehensive collection of information and
photos of just about every locomotive and rolling stock of the 2-foot
railroads of Maine (1879-1935) The site also covers modelling
information about the Maine lilliputs. (5/13/00)
 | Maine
Central Railroad: MEC site remembering the former stations in
Ellsworth, Maine. Plus a complete list of stations, Steam and Diesel
engines. And, HO scale models. (6/1/99)
 | David Rumsey Map Collection: A wonderful collection of North American
maps from the 18th and 19th century. (7-26-01)
 | Marty
T. Myers' Library Of Railroad History: Articles on Midwestern
railroading by Marty Myers. (8/29/97)
 | Mid Atlantic Narrow Gauge Guild: Home page describes the organization.
Links to other pages takes the user to our schedule of events. Includes a membership
application. There are no fees involved in membership.
 | Midland Continental Railroad:
A history of this line which ran from Winnipeg to the Gulf.
 | Mike's
railroad page: Maps, pix of B&O (signals and Camden Yards), Baltimore & Annapolis (maps,
history), PRR (pix of Orangeveille in decay).
 | Mile
Post 67: Dedicated to railroad preservation and history in the
state of Michigan. (5/9/97)
 | Milwaukee
Road: This page has a wealth of info on the Milwaukee Road, plus
some photos of CP Rail and Wisconsin & Southern.
 | The
"M" In The MKT: Covers the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroads Missouri operations (1870-1989).
Includes history, maps, photos, current operations information and more.
 | MNN
Railroad Pages: Gallery of Russian locomotives, collection of
locomotive models. (7/9/99)