Online Amtrak Schedules Schedule effective: October 30, 2006
Reservations required on all trains. See your travel agent, call 1-800-USA-RAIL, or visit tickets.amtrak.com for reservations and fare information.
Amtrak's Northeast Corridor
Washington - New York - Boston
Includes all service to New Haven.
Reservations required on trains marked R.
Washington schedules offer additional Washington - New York and Philadelphia - New York service.
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Train Name Acela Acela
Regional Express Regional Express
Train Number R190 R2150 R170 R2154
Days of Operation Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr
Will not Operate H H H H
miles .
Washington, DC 0 Dp 3:00a 5:00a 5:05a 7:00a
New Carrollton, MD 9 ---- ---- P 5:16a ----
BWI Airport, MD 30 ---- ---- 5:32a 7:21a
Baltimore, MD 40 3:35a 5:31a 5:46a 7:35a
Aberdeen, MD 70 3:58a ---- ---- ----
Wilmington, DE 108 4:30a 6:14a 6:32a 8:17a
Philadelphia, PA 135 Ar 4:50a 6:33a 6:52a 8:36a
Dp 5:15a 6:35a 6:55a 8:38a
Trenton, NJ 167 5:45a ---- 7:20a ----
Metropark, NJ 201 ---- ---- ---- ----
Newark Int'l Apt 212 6:16a ---- ---- ----
Newark, NJ 215 6:22a 7:29a 7:52a 9:32a
New York, NY 225 Ar 6:40a 7:48a 8:10a 9:50a
Dp 6:55a 8:03a 8:30a 10:03a
New Rochelle, NY 245 ---- ---- 8:57a ----
Stamford, CT 261 7:43a 8:46a 9:18a 10:46a
Bridgeport, CT 283 ---- ---- 9:42a ----
New Haven, (ar) 300 Ar 8:29a 9:27a 10:05a 11:27a
Dp 8:31a 9:29a 10:10a 11:29a
Old Saybrook, CT 333 9:00a ---- ---- ----
New London, CT 351 9:19a ---- 10:55a ----
Mystic, CT 360 9:31a ---- ---- ----
Westerly, RI 369 9:42a ---- ---- ----
Kingston, RI 386 9:58a ---- 11:27a ----
Providence, RI 413 10:19a L10:55a 11:49a L12:54p
Route 128, MA 445 D10:47a D11:21a D12:18p D 1:20p
Boston, MA
Back Bay 456 D10:57a D11:31a D12:28p D 1:30p
South Station 457 Ar 11:02a 11:36a 12:33p 1:35p
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will not operate 11/24, 12/26, 1/2, and 2/20.
L -- Train may depart before scheduled departure.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, see your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.
[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]
Train Name Ver- Acela Acela
Regional monter Express Regional Regional Express
Train Number R172 R56 R2158 R174 R86 R2164
Days of Operation Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr
Will not Operate H H H H H H
Washington, DC Dp 7:30a 8:05a 9:00a 9:30a 10:30a 12:00n
New Carrollton, MD P 7:41a p 8:15a ---- P 9:41a 10:41a ----
BWI Airport, MD 7:57a 8:30a 9:21a 9:57a 10:57a ----
Baltimore, MD 8:12a 8:45a 9:35a 10:12a 11:13a 12:31p
Wilmington, DE 8:58a 9:30a 10:17a 10:58a 11:58a 1:13p
Philadelphia, PA Ar 9:18a 9:50a 10:36a 11:18a 12:18p 1:32p
Dp 9:21a 9:53a 10:38a 11:21a 12:21p 1:34p
Trenton, NJ 9:50a 10:22a ---- 11:50a 12:50p ----
Metropark, NJ ---- ---- ---- 12:11p 1:10p 2:18p
Newark Int'l Apt. 10:19a ---- ---- 12:21p ---- ----
Newark, NJ 10:25a 10:55a 11:32a 12:27p 1:25p 2:32a
New York,NY Ar 10:42a 11:13a 11:50a 12:45p 1:43p 2:50p
Dp 11:00a 11:30a 12:03p 1:00p 2:00p 3:03p
New Rochelle, NY 11:27a ---- ---- ---- 2:28p ----
Stamford, CT 11:48a 12:18p 12:46p 1:48p 2:48p ----
Bridgeport, CT 12:12p 12:42p ---- ---- 3:12p ----
New Haven, CT Ar 12:36p 1:06p 1:27p 2:33p 3:36p ----
Dp 12:38p 1:22p 1:29p 2:35p 3:38p ----
Old Saybrook, CT 1:07p ---- 3:03p 4:09p ----
New London, CT 1:27p ---- 3:20p 4:29p ----
Mystic, CT 1:39p To ---- ---- ---- ----
Westerly, RI 1:50p Vermont ---- ---- 4:49p ----
Kingston, RI 2:06p ---- 3:53p 5:04p ----
Providence, RI 2:27p L 2:54p 4:15p 5:25p L 5:52p
Route 128, MA D 3:00p D 3:20p D 4:43p D 5:56p D 6:18p
Boston, MA
Back Bay D 3:10p D 3:30p D 4:54p D 6:15p D 6:28p
South Station Ar 3:15p 3:35p 4:59p 6:20p 6:33p
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will not operate 11/24, 12/26, 1/2, and 2/20.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
L -- Train may depart before scheduled departure.
R -- Reservations required, see your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.
[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]
Train Name Acela Acela Acela
Regional Express Express Regional Express
Train Number 176 R2166 R2168 R94 R2170
Days of Operation Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr
Will Not Operate H H H H H
Washington, DC Dp 12:05p 1:00p 2:00p 2:05p 3:00p
New Carrollton, MD P12:16p ---- ---- 2:16p ----
BWI Airport, MD 12:32p ---- ---- 2:32p 3:21p
Baltimore, MD 12:47p 1:31p 2:31p 2:47p 3:35p
Wilmington, DE 1:33p 2:13p 3:13p 3:33p 4:17p
Philadelphia, PA Ar 1:53p 2:32p 3:32p 3:53p 4:36p
Dp 1:56p 2:34p 3:34p 3:56p 4:38p
Trenton, NJ 2:25p ---- ---- 4:25p ----
Metropark, NJ 2:46p 3:18p 4:17p ---- ----
Newark Int'l Apt. ---- ---- ---- 4:54p ----
Newark, NJ 3:00p 3:32p 4:32p 5:00p 5:32p
New York,NY Ar 3:18p 3:50p 4:50p 5:18p 5:50p
Dp 3:30p 4:00p 5:00p 5:40p 6:00p
New Rochelle, NY 3:57p ---- ---- ---- ----
Stamford, CT 4:18p ---- 5:45p 6:29p 6:44p
Bridgeport, CT 4:42p ---- ---- ---- ----
New Haven, CT Ar 5:06p 5:25p 6:29p 7:14p ----
Dp 5:30p 5:27p 6:31p 7:30p ----
Old Saybrook, CT 5:59p ---- ---- 8:00p ----
New London, CT 6:19p ---- ---- 8:20p ----
Mystic, CT ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Westerly, RI 6:40p ---- ---- ---- ----
Kingston, RI 6:55p ---- ---- 8:51p ----
Providence, RI 7:17p L 6:54p L 7:57p 9:14p L 8:54p
Route 128, MA D 7:49p D 7:20p D 8:23p D 9:43p D 9:20p
Boston, MA
Back Bay D 8:00p D 7:30p D 8:33p D 9:54p D 9:30p
South Station Ar 8:05p 7:35p 8:38p 9:59p 9:35p
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will not operate 11/24, 12/26, 1/2, and 2/20.
L -- Train may depart before scheduled departure.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, see your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.
[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Northeast Corridor schedules] [Other Amtrak schedules]
Train Name Acela
Regional Express Regional Regional Regional
Train Number R148 R2172 R178 R136 R66
Days of Operation Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Fr Daily
Will also Operate 11/23
Will not Operate H H H
Washington, DC Dp 3:05p 4:00p 4:05p 5:10p 10:00p
New Carrollton, MD P 3:16p ---- P 4:16p 5:22p 10:12p
BWI Airport, MD 3:32p ---- 4:32p 5:38p 10:30p
Baltimore, MD 3:47p 4:31p 4:47p 5:53p 10:45p
Aberdeen, MD 4:09p ---- ---- ---- ----
Wilmington, DE 4:37p 5:13p 5:33p 6:39p 11:36p
Philadelphia, PA Ar 4:57p 5:32p 5:53p 6:59p 11:57p
Dp 5:00p 5:34p 5:56p 7:02p 12:12a
Trenton, NJ 5:29p ---- 6:25p 7:30p 12:47a
Metropark, NJ 5:50p 6:18p ---- L 8:03p 1:15a
Newark Int'l Apt. 6:01p ---- 6:54p L 8:15p ----
Newark, NJ 6:07p 6:34p 7:00p L 8:20p 1:33a
New York,NY Ar 6:25p 6:50p 7:16p 8:38p 1:53a
Dp 6:40p 7:00p 7:30p 9:07p 3:15a
New Rochelle, NY 7:07p ---- 7:57p 9:35p ----
Stamford, CT 7:28p 7:44p 8:18p 9:56p 4:04a
Bridgeport, CT 7:52p ---- 8:42p 10:20p ----
New Haven, CT Ar 8:19p 8:25p 9:06p 10:44p 4:55a
Dp 8:30p 8:27p 9:08p 11:00p 5:05a
Old Saybrook, CT ---- 9:37p 5:36a
New London, CT 9:07p 9:58p 5:55a
Mystic, CT To ---- 10:11p To 6:08p
Westerly, RI Spgfld ---- 10:22p Spgfld 6:19a
Kingston, RI ---- 10:42p 6:35a
Providence, RI L 9:54p 11:03p 7:05a
Route 128, MA D10:20p D11:34p D 7:30a
Boston, MA
Back Bay D10:30p D11:45p D 7:45a
South Station Ar 10:35p 11:50p 7:50a
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
H -- Train will not operate 11/24, 12/26, 1/2, and 2/20.
L -- Train may depart before scheduled departure.
P -- Stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required, see your travel agent or call 1-800-USA-RAIL.
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[Other Northeast Corridor schedules]
[Other Amtrak schedules]
These schedules are unofficial, but are authorized by Amtrak. Official schedules are available at www.amtrak.com While we try to keep this information correct and current, neither the authors, editor, and sysops, nor Amtrak can accept responsibility for errors and omissions in the on-line timetables. For ticket pricing, ordering and seasonal time changes please visit www.amtrak.com or call 1-800-USA-RAIL
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