Abrams Railroad Empire: walk-around; operations focus; car card &
DCC; 21 industries, 5 yards, 7 towns, and 2 interchange tracks; freelance model
of the "Anachronistic Era." (3-18-05)
 | Aichtaler
Eisenbahn: Paul Casper's free lanced H0 scale railroad set in
the northern foothills of the Alps in Germany. (English/German)
(7/1/97) |
 | AltezeitGruppe-Dorset
Reichsbahn Gruppe: HO Finescale layout based in England based on
a small German border town in Oberbayern during the 30's. (6/18/02)
Alaska Railroad Dual-Level: Photos, and Layout information on a private Ho scale
Alaska model railroad. (11-17-05)
 | Alvin All-Star Railroad: An educational experience designed to
teach social studies, local history, and science content to a third
grade class under the umbrella of model railroading.
(4/9/02) |
 | American Railways:
A monthly newsletter about Samuel Stokes' freelanced railroad,
plus information his N scale layout as well. (9/29/97)
 | Angelo Battistella's Tall Pine Railroad: The world famous
American style layout in Italy. (10/28/99)
 | Applegate and Topaz Railroad:
A home layout is under construction in Eastern Washington. Check in on
progress photos and lessons learned. Earlier layout photos also
ATSF and Route 66: A Model Railroad of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe (ATSF)line set in
1953 - 1954 along stretches the famous Route 66 highway.
 | Atlantic and Great Western Railway:
The AGW stretches from the Atlantic Seaboard to the Missouri River and
Gulf of Mexico. Freelance layout in the 1980's.
 | Arcadia and Betsey River Ry.:
A standard gauge layout depicting logging operations in the Pacific Northwest circa 1953
featuring geared locomotives with DCC and sound.
 | Aroostook Valley Model Railroad:
HO scale model of the AVR in the Fall 1967. Presque Isle to West Caribou
Maine. (6-17-03)
Axel's Train Homepage:
Photos of various stages of the
layout, some of the European locomotives operated, plus tips and tricks.
 | Badger Creek Lumber Company:
Badger Creek Lumber Company is an HO logging layout, featuring
Shay,Climax & Heisler loco's. This detailed layout was featured in Model
Railroading Magazine Aug/Sept 2000. (5/05/01)
 | Balboa Granada & Eastern:
Originally chartered in California, the BG&E relocated to the Northeast
as an operations-oriented freelanced 1941 era coal, freight, passenger
traffic railroad.
 | Bear Creek & South Jackson RR:
A free-lanced imaginary subsidiary of the Southern Pacific slightly
larger than 4'x8', but it packs quite a bit of scenery and operation
into that small space. (1/23/00)
 | Bear Mountain Southern Pacific:
HO scale fictitious railroad belonging to George Watson of Guelph,
Ontario, Canada, depicting the upper west coast of North America in the
years 1945 to 1975. (8/20/02)
Bethlehem Steel Home Layout:
Pictures of my home layout, the real Bethlehem Steel and the Philadelphia Bethlehem & New England
Railroad. (11-7-06)
 | B&M/MeC Mountain Division:
Dick Lord's double-deck H0 layout under construction. Trackplans from
the Layout Design SIG, prototype information, and construction
information available. (6/12/97)
 | Bicci & Onri RailRoad of MickTerry.com: Backwoods shortline/logging railroad.
Enginehouse fire. 27 realistic photos published: RMC/Walthers. Diorama displayed: museums,
libraries, train shows, live steamers (MD/CA).
Bill & Tom's Milwaukee Road: The Dredgby Division:
This site features historical information and links featuring the
Milwaukee Road and a mythical "Dredgby Division."
 | Billings and Paradise Railroad:
Modeling nine railroads in Central and Southern Montana with 38 pictures
and historical text. (5/5/01)
 | Blood Sweat & Tears Railroad:
This highly-detailed switching layout is set between 1938-1952. There
are more than 100 photos of this 12x16 layout.
 | Blue Ridge Connection:
An informative pictorial overview of an HO Scale home layout depicting
railroading in the Blue Ridge Mountains. (4/4/98)
 | BNSF modern western layout: A virtual tour of
Milan Matejka's small HO scale BNSF model railroad. This layout from Czech Republic.
 | Bonaventure & Chambly:
Freelance HO layout depicting eastern Canada. CN (Class 1) and
St-Lmabert & Chambly (Short-line).
 | The Bona Vista Railroad: Gerry Leone's freelanced
railroad, set in the Upper Midwest of the '50s. Frequently updated with
lots of construction and scenery photos. (7/9/00)
 | Britannia Creek Model Railway:
Freelanced HO scale logging
line that links with a standard gauge branch line in the Upper Yarra
Valley in Australia. (4-9-04)
 | Byron Creek:
An HO scale layout modeled on the railways of New South Wales,
Australia. (1/23/00)
 | Bywater Railroad:
HO scale
model railroad layout site with photos and text showing the building
progress. (10-20-04)
 | Carleton Model Railroad:
A photo tour of a freelance, double deck HO scale model railroad in
Saint John, New Brunswick. (4/05/03)
 | Camas Prairie Rails:
A site dedicated to preserving the
history of Idaho's Shortline on Stilts. Featuring my Camas Prairie
switching layout. (10-11-03)
 | Carolina Central of SC Division of Southern RR:
A Division of the Southern RR, the Carolina Central RR HO Scale 85 feet layout built by Ross-Gail Allen
Railserve in 1997. Double Main Line with various business spurs. SystemOne DCC All Code 83 Track.
Hidden Stagging, Car Card system used for operating.
 | Cashaway Valley Railroad:
Jim Thompson's HO DCC freelanced
railroad set in South-central WV circa 1964. Information on modeling
with DCC included. (01-08-09)
 | The CB&Q in Wyoming: This site has information and photos on
the CB&Q in Wyoming, and the model railroad being constructed based on
it. (5/5/01)
 | Cherokee & Great Smokey Mtns. RR:
The C&GSMRR runs through the HO scale hills of Ravenshire. Many photos and descriptions!!
 | Chessie System - C&O Mountain Subdivision VA.: Ho scale
railroad set in the mid 1980's on ex C&O Mountain Subdivision. Layout
primarily focuses on area between Charlottesville and Staunton, VA.
 | Chessington (Chalk Lane):
This is an E.M.layout based on the ex-Southern Railway unfinished branch
line in Surrey (England). It is named Chessington (Chalk Lane) and
features the Art Deco style of architecture. (5/18/00)
 | Chicago, Pittsburgh & Eastern:
An HO Scale, free-lanced regional carrier that operates in 8 states and is based in the
Pittsburgh industrial area in the mid 1960's.
 | Cincinnati,
Hamilton, and Dayton Ry.Co.: The railroad was started in
January of 1997 and has progressed rapidly. The railroad has over six
hundred feet of mainline track, not including any yards, sidings or
industries. (7/9/00)
 | HO large city: Hundreds of pictures from the building of a
large city model railway, large dioramas, pictures from different model
railway events, and many more.
 | Citrus Heritage Lines: The fictional CHL, a modern tourist
line, showcases Southern California's trolley heritage, primarily
through Pacific Electric red cars. (3/1/98)
Clinchfield RR In Florida: Modeling the Clinchfield, in HO
gauge. Real photos of Clinchfield RR. (7/9/00)
 | Colorado Midland: Patrick Pope’s freelanced HO railroad that is located on the Colorado –
Kansas border in the mid to late 80’s. Complete with a brief history of
the railroad and lots of photos of the layout and crew. (7/9/99)
 | Columbia River Steel Corp:
The hypothetical HO CRSC, located
in Eden Prairie, MN, is the focus of a section of Milwaukee Road
mainline west of the Twin Cities. Features heavy industry, such as a
blast furnace. (7/5/00)
 | Conowingo Central Railroad: A freelanced, HO scale,
single-track railroad running from the shores of the Chesapeake Bay to
the coal fields in southern Pennsylvania in 1958. (7/9/00)
 | Conrail's Pittsburgh Line in HO Scale: The Pittsburgh
Line in N scale depicts Conrail's line from Altoona, PA to Pittsburgh,
PA, mountain railroading at it's best.
 | Cortland, Aptakisic & Washtenaw Railroad:
'As the crow
flies!' The CAW is your best partner for freight in the 50's and our
passenger service probably will get you there! (3/28/99)
 | Craig Bisgeier's Housatonic Railroad:
Describes the HO scale
1892 era model railroad layout being built by Craig Bisgeier. Also
includes layout design and construction tips. (1/27/01)
 | Craig's Model Railroad:
HO scale freelance late diesel model railroad based on a fictitious
branch of Norfolk Southern. Industries include coal mining, oil refining
and electrical power production. (7/9/99)
 | CSX East Rail Layout: Prototype layout
based on CSX's industrial switching operations in Miami, FL.
CSX's Philadelphia Subdivision Layout:
Bruce Friedman's HO layout models
modern CSX from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Full operations with a double
track helix and DCC. (5/24/99)
CSX's KP Subdivision Layout: Based on the north end of the
old Clinchfield Railroad line from Elkhorn City, KY, to Kingsport,
TN. Static pictures are accompanied by
operating session webcam images. (3/11/02)
CSX SIO Line: Freelanced HO scale model railroad set in the mid 1990's.
 | Cumberland Southern Lines: Contains corporate history,
operating methodology, assorted forms, a detailed track plan, a system
map, and over 2 dozen photos. (1/28/99)  
 | The CyberSpace Railroad Museum:
A 4x8 fantasy them has led this builder to construct a museum layout
that will feature a variety of motive power and equipment through
multiple eras of railroading.
 | David R. Holsinger
(Composer/Conductor) HO Lines: David R. Holsinger (Composer/Conductor) HO Lines: Although David R.
Holsinger is a noted Composer and Conductor of American Band music, he
is also an avid HO enthusiast. This site contains photos and captions
detailing both his old "Box Canyon" Layout and the new "Any Time Any
Spring" project.
 | DM&IR Project Layout In HO:
Watch the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range in
HO Scale progress from benchwork to its current state. Includes LDE's of
Missabe sites, prototype and model information and layout building
 | D&K Railroad:
Layout built entirely from styrofoam; All hand made trees; All trestles
and buildings and their materials made from scratch.
 | D&R Division of Norfolk
Southern Modelers: A private 8' by 29' modular layout in HO
scale that travels to a variety of shows. Highlights include DCC with
NCE and computer automated trains. Over 115 Norfolk Southern
locomotives! (3/11/02)
 | D&RGW over La Veta Pass:
A layout under construction devoted to reproduce standard gauge Rio Grande main line
over La Veta Pass (Colorado) in '40s years. (4/5/02)
D&S Lines: D&S Lines is a freelance layout built over
the last 10 years and rebuilt in Nov. 2000. (3/28/02)
 | Deadwood City (Co.) Railroad:
A small (6'x6'9") HO scale
freelance layout based in the Colorado area featuring Santa Fe and Rio
Grande operation. (3/12/00)
 | del Roy Creek Railroad:
the del Roy Creek is a fictitious freight hauling shortline based in the
late 1960's.
 | Dennis Glynn's Union Pacific Layout:
A two level model railroad based on the Union Pacific.
 | Diavastes Train Station - HO & O Railroad Layout Tour: Home
page containing both HO and 027 layouts. Complete with detailed
drawings, links to popular sites (including NMRA), Downloads, ideas and
of course - photographs. (10/01/01)
 | Dudler's Homepage:
Westport Terminal RR (freelance private
road name layout in modules) and the Bahnhof Naumburg (model and
prototype). (5/24/99)
A layout built in the UK.
 | First Try:
First attempt at a complete layout with
landscape and a working layout. The yard is to the right with the town
to the left. (5/20/00)
 | Eagle Pass & Moose Lake Railroad:
The Eagle Pass is an
intermountain connecting road that links the Southern Pacific (my
favorite road) with an imaginary medium sized town (Eagle Pass) served
regionally by the EP & ML Railroad. Eagle Pass is home to several
industries and has regularly scheduled passenger service provided
by the Southern Pacific. The road is mountainous with deep valleys,
streams, and long steep grades.
 | East Central Indiana Railroad:
A modern short line operating out of Henderson in North Central Indiana
southward over the ex-New York Central (CCC&StL) North Vernon Secondary
purchased from Penn Central and Conrail. (9/26/98)
Eastern Missouri Railway:
A fictional bridge line operating in and around St. Louis, also
featuring the Missouri Pacific and St. Louis Union Station.
 | Elliana and Heritage RR:
A freelance HO scale railroad with
lots of action! Tips and stories about the creation of the E&H RR.
 | Erie Lackawanna In HO Scale:
If you are interested in the
Erie Lackawanna check out my version of it in HO scale. I make my
modeling in a small spare-room and try to build my version of the EL in
the early 70´s. (7/9/99)
 | Erie Lackawanna
Scranton Division in 1975: Prototype information and HO scale
model, includes plans, present-day photos, and prototype operations
 | The EU-BAHN:
A Freelanced Home Layout project based on European Prototypes.
 | Bob Boudreau's Fundy Northern Railroad:
Information on Bob Boudreau's modeling, with a clinic on model railroad
 | The Franklin and South Manchester Railway:
Located in the
heart of the Fine Scale Miniatures factory on the second floor of a
building in downtown Peabody Square, Peabody Massachusetts.
 | Frisco Railroad: This is a web site of my model railroad
and some photos of real railroads.
 | Fred Miller's HO Trolly Models:
This site was developed to share photos and information about my HO Traction modeling as represented in the Town & Country Traction Company in Gotham City.
 | Gauley River Railroad Model Railroad:
This site shows
construction progress of building a 10 x 10 ho scale model railroad.
While sometimes the progress gets slow, the owner of the site and model
railroad, will update it with pictures of recent railfanning trips.
Great Northwestern Railway: A freelanced HO scale switching layout. (11-12-08)
John Allen's Gorre and Daphetid - A Reminiscence: Newly discovered photos and
slides in gallery format with accompanying commentary and research pages featuring
all three Gorre layouts. (4-3-06)
 | Grafton & Greenbrier Railroad:
Lin Young's freelanced HO
modern railroad running through WV and linking the East Coast with the
Midwest, North, and South. (6/30/97)
 | Great Northern - Down Under:
My layout is based on the Great Northern in NW Montana in the 1950's. It
is built for operation with DCC and uses car cards and waybills.
 | Great Lakes Eastern Railroad Company: The new Great Lakes
Eastern has changed focus to a fictional former Guilford (MEC)
branchline in western Maine, reaching from Leeds Jct. to near Quebec
City. (5/05/01)
Grosser's Nostalgia Trip: Grosser's Nostalgia Trip, an HO scale layout
with many memories of structures and places scratch built by Renee Grosser on
the railroad. It is mainly our 1950s version of the Soo Line and Great Northern
railroads at Glenwood Minnesota and Waite Park Minnesota.
Hampton & St
Martins Railway: This southern New Brunswick railway was abandoned in reality in 1940,
but continues today in model form. Website has prototype and model info
and photos. (1-3-05)
 | The Heartland Rocket:
Offers a beautiful virtual tour of the layout and services for fans of
model railroading: chat, web forum, webring, links, card service, and
more. (9/26/98)
 | HO Gauge Model Railroads of Northwest Arkansas: HO Gauge Model Railroads of
Northwest Arkansas. Based on prototypes, all operational using DCC and switchlist or car cards.
 | An HO Scale Mini Empire:
The Clarksville B&O is a small (8x8.5
feet) HO scale layout created by a father and son team.
 | HO Trains & Miniature Dioramas:
Take a tour of many HO scale dioramas that will find a permanent home on
my 8'x18' layout.
 | Holzheimerbahn: Swiss HO layout, Point to Point type, prototypic operation, self
constructed models, and many features, build by Hugo Schwilch.
(English/Deutsch) (5/27/02)
 | Iceman & Son's HO Railroading Page:
A small layout with many
pictures. This site is Santa Fe, with all the paint schemes from '75 to
present. (6/15/01) |
 | Interactive Model Railroad Gallery:
Computer controlled
European model railroad. (8/25/97)
 | Inyo & White Mountain Railroad:
Jeffrey Sipress' highly
detailed HO layout depicting Eastern CA in the 1930s through 1950s, with
some narrow gauge. Featured in August 1998 Model Railroader.
 | Iron Ore Railway:
Bo Justusson's HO layout depicting a branch
line for transport of iron ore from a mine on a mountain down to a main
station that has a small harbor and an outgoing track (thought to lead
to the national railway network). (7/1/97)
Jersey Northern Railroad: Double deck, point to point free lance layout.
Jims Model Train Site: Website for the Cheasepeake and Santa Fe Terminal RR, a
shunting / point to point HO scale railroad.
 | Joshi's Museum of Miniature Trains:
Describes a private
museum of miniature trains at Pune in western India. A rare opportunity
for students in India. (5/11/02)
 | Kade Railroad in West Virginia: The Kade Railroad and its connections with both the Baltimore and Ohio
and the Western Maryland from Grafton WV west.
 | Ken's Model Train Page:
Progress of my basement HO layout
based on the Chessie System from Pittsburgh to Cumberland set in the
late 70's - early 80's. Also includes pictures of my railfanning trips..
 | Ken Nelson's Poco Valley Lines:
A tour of Ken Nelson's
fictional Poco Valley Lines set in the Northeastern United States in the
50's and 60's. (3/11/02)
 | Lackawanna Terminal: Steve Kay's HO freelanced railroad
complete with history, trackplan, and equipment information.
 | Lambing Flat:
An HO layout based on an imaginary
cross-country line of the NSW Government Railway of Australia, and
information on the steam era of the NSWGR. (3/5/99)
 | L & L Railroad: Larry Epkins' free-lanced HO
railroad that offers continuous running, lots of staging room, an open time period, both pssenger and freight
operations, and room to add an upper level.
 | Lehigh Valley Railroad, PA Div.:
A layout based on the Lehigh
Valley Railroad and it's connections, in 1972.
 | Logging RR in Austria, Europe:
Lots of scratch-built American
logging RR models and rare European prototypes. (6/12/01)
 | Lone Pine Model Railroad: An American based model railroad in H O scale.
Modelled in the 1950's with a focus on Union Pacific.
 | Lone Wolf and Santa Fe Railroad:
Freelance railroad built with
walk around operation in mind as well as scenery, lighting, and sound
design. (7/4/02)
 | Long Island Rail Road
Montauk Branch: An HO scale shelf layout depicting Long Island
City in September 1963. David Barrow's domino construction style was
used. (2/10/03)
Los Angeles Model Railroad:
Bruce Petty's model railroad
follows the Southern Pacific prototype as it was in the 1960s at Burbank
Tower in Los Angeles, California. (5/05/01)
 | Los Feliz & North Western Railroad:
John Bruce. (8-27-03)
HO Layout Tours (M-Z)