Poco Valley Lines (Ken Nelson's):
A tour of Ken Nelson's
fictional Poco Valley Lines set in the Northeastern United States in the
50's and 60's. (1/16/02)
 | Port
Washington & Dubuque RR: Depicting a fictional Lake Michigan
to Mississippi river line. Steam diesel transition era. (9/26/98)
 | Prescott &
Madawaska: Chris Butler's basement HO scale empire that he has
been working on for the past few years, with track plan and more.
 | Princeton
& Sedro Woolley: Jack Pettee's HO freelanced railroad set in
the western foot hills of the Cascade Mountains, state of Washington,
August 1956. (6/30/97)
 | Providence &
Worcester: A 42' x 25' layout based on operations from Worcester, Ma to Fresh Pond Yd in Queens, New York, with trackage rights on Amtrak's NEC. Dispatcher controlled CTC center, Photos and info.
(4/23/01) |
PRR Allegheny Division
- French Creek Branch Line:
PRR northeast corridor HO layout:
A small HO Layout of a big City on the
Northeast Corridor line Featuring live catenary, Skyscrapers large
factories and a trolley system. (6-16-04)
 | Purgatory & Devil River Railroad:
The Official web site of the Purgatory & Devil River Railroad. Contains information on both divisions. The Purgatory Division is in Paul Richardson's home. The El Lobo Division is in Duane Richardson's home. The Richardsons are a father and son team of narrow gauge model railroaders.
 | R.A.D: Watch our layout being built. We have sold R.A.D. and are
moving to a new home and are looking forward to starting
over. (7-13-04)
Rainier Great Western Railway & Navigation Company:
is a fantasy railroad dedicated to HO modeling and prototype operations
along Milwaukee's abandoned line in Western Washington. (6-12-05)
 | The Railway Station:
The Union Pacific 1940-1955: The Union Pacific in the Dalles,
OR. Model projects, rosters, photo features, layout tour, movies,
timetables and more. (5-31-04)
 | Rays Trains:
Information about the HO scale American outline RR of Ray Lucas. (9-24-06)
 | Richland
Hills Subdivision: A fictional written account of a trip around
one man's Santa Fe HO model railroad. (6/30/97)
Springs Homepage:
An HO scale representation of Arizona, by a
group of modelers from Exeter, England.
 | Rocky Mountain
Division: David Zuhn's under construction layout of the Northern
Pacific and Montana Rail Link. (8/22/97)
 | Rocky
Mountain & Santa Fe: Jim Milliron's HO scale representation
of the prototype ATSF at Raton, NM. Operations represent the daily
transcontinental passenger and regional freight traffic circa 1958. (8/13/97)
 | Rod's
Trains: Rod Tonkin's HO scale Conrail / CSX layout "Martindale
Creek" and Australian railways photos. (4/22/00)
 | San
Diego Model Railroad Clubs: Multiple model railroad clubs
sharing one building and representing most modeled scales, including
HO. (5/16/01)
 | Sandpoint Junction:
Site about my model railroad "Sandpoint Junction".
Also contains scratch building walk-throughs for buildings, bridges and
electrical circuits. (8-27-04)
 | Santa Fe Industrial Switching Layout:
A freelance HO switching layout
in a 13' x 18' space. Pages on design philosophy, construction methods
and operations. Detailed track plan. Some photos. (8-31-04)
 | Santa Fe "Knowcents" Railroad:
This double-deck Santa Fe layout runs from Chicago, Illinois to Richmond,
California. Time period is transition era. Layout is DCC
controlled. (11/18/02)
Santa Fe Railroading in the 1970s: Stephen Priest's railroad depicts the
ATSF across the Kansas heartland.
Saskatoon Layout
Tour: A set of photos of train layouts in and around Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan. Most of the pictures are of layouts belonging to members
of the Prairie Rail Workshop. (10/1/97)
 | Sean
Fanelli's Train Page: Illustrates a Märklin and HAG HO model
train layout. Contains descriptions, pictures and diagrams of the
layout. (8/25/97)
 | Shady Valley Railroad - HO-Gauge:
Fictitious railroad in New York State. You
can do a lot in a small space. (12-27-03)
 | Shadow Mountain
Railroad: Bob Young Jr.'s freelanced Boston & Maine layout
featuring the fictional town of Shadow Mountain. (10/28/99)
 | Sierra Western &
Santa Fe Railroad: Rick Fortin's large HO scale Santa Fe layout
with tons of information and tours. (6/30/97)
 | Sierra Western Railroad:
A large HO scale layout designed for
prototypical operation. (7-2-01)
 | Smugglers
Division of the Union Pacific: A freelanced double track
railroad modeling Union Pacific in H0, from end of steam to the last
caboose. (5/5/01)
 | SoKool
Model Railroad Layout Building: 01-01-2000 I started building an
H0 layout with just some rails, trains, wood and my imagination to
start... (4/22/00)
 | The
South Central Railway: A website dedicated to the fictional South
Central Railway. (3/11/02)
 | Southern Pacific's
Siskiyou Line: Joe Fugate's HO layout modeling the Southern
Pacific's Siskiyou Line in southern Oregon during the 1980s.
St. Claire & Lazywood Railroad: Welcome to the St. Claire and Lazywood Railroad blog.
Feel free to browse and offer suggestions or comments.
 | Streator
Connection: Based on the actual Streator Connection between
the former Conrail and Santa Fe connection in Streator, Illinois, this
HO layout sees motive power from both carriers in the early
1990s. (5/5/01)
 | Superior Northern & CPR Schreber Division:
Lake Superior & Northern Railway and connecting CPR Schreiber Division
by Peter and Bob Winterton. ML2003 and LDSIG tours. (8-7-03)
 | Sweet,
Bethlehem and Lehigh Valley: A smaller freelanced HO layout loosely
based around the steel industry in the Lehigh Valley of PA.
 | Tall
Pine Railroad: A
steam era railroad that stretches 24' x 14' and pays careful attention
to detail. (5/21/01)
Tamlapais Valley Railroad: HO model railroad depicting a fictional
division connecting Sausalito and Truckee across California allowing me to model my favorite railroad
and favorite scenic areas, the Marin headlands and the High Sierra.
Terrible Tom's Train Page: Old HO basement layout.
Planning and
construction of new Rockville layout from ground up. (3-25-05)
 | Teton Short
Line: A large home layout in HO, growing since 1965. We share
our technology experiences with electronics, signaling, computers and DCC.
 | Thorn
Creek & Western: A West Virginia shortline as it was in 1942. Historically accurate, but it never existed.
Trewsville Southern Railroad: HO Scale Model Railroad that
runs from Raingold, GA, to Trewsville, GA, with connections to the Mid-America &
Northwestern Railroad at Stewartsville, GA.
 | Triang Hornby Collection: A Description of a portable Triang Hornby
Collection layout that can be seen on the exhibition circuit. The site also contains a small spare parts and
sales area. (11-15-05)
- Turkish State Railway - 1975: North-Western Turkey in miniature in
the mid-1970's, at a time when steam was still king.
 | Turtle Creek Model
Railroad: Turtle Creek Operation is based exclusively on peddler
freights working in heavy industrial areas. There are 64 industrial or
interchange sidings on the layout and 260 freight cars in use.
 | U. P. & Western Railroad: Bob Frey's U.P. & WESTERN HO layout is
two model railroads with switching between them complete with operations,
signaling and DCC. (9-11-04)
Pacific Cascade Subdivision: Bill Kosanda's free-lanced HO
railroad set in southern Oregon. Layout design, photos, electronic
rail pass exchange and operations description. (5/5/01) |
 | Union Pacific Kirkwood
Subdivision: Freelanced, double-track main UP layout where 4000+ HP
locomotives rule the rails. (2/10/03)
 | Utah
Colorado Western: The UCW is a freelanced bridge route between
Salt Lake and Denver. Featured in Model Railroader May 1999 and Keller Video #27.
(5/5/01) |
Valley Central
Railway: HO Scale freelance railway, jointly owned by CN and CP Rail,
that is under construction, since 1997, in the basement of Dale Morton.
 | VIA Rail
Canada on the Kingston Subdivision: A model railway recreating VIA Rail
Canada's equipment and operations between Toronto and Montreal.
 | Vincent Railroad: HO
modular layout by a French modeler : Southern Pacific and Santa Fe.
 | Wagner
Lines Railroad Company: Kevin Wagner's HO layout set in the
Eastern US. (11/2/97)
Waldovia State Railways: A OO scale model railway that resists
being modelled on any fixed period or location.
Northern: A OO scale model railway that resists
being modelled on any fixed period or location.
Northern: Ronald Hart's free-lanced layout featuring BN, GN,
MILW, in the Pacific Northwest from Everett to Arlington, WA.
 | Waynesboro
Western Railroad: An HO railroad by Wayne Rozelle -- I am constructing
in my basement. Site includes a layout, pseudo history, and logo and
paint. (5/24/99)
 | The Western Pacific Railroad: A highly
detailed free-lanced version of the Western Pacfic Railroad. Set in 1930's, this shortline railroad
is filled with great scenic elements and operation.
 | Modelspoorteam, Dutch railway modellingteam: Different railway projects as "Vinkeveen" and "Trinité s/M". Already shown on exhibitions around Europe. (5-23-06)
 | Dudler's Homepage:Westport Terminal RR (freelance private
road name
layout in modules). Der Bahnhof Naumburg (H0 - model and prototype).
 | West
Fife & Lothian Railways: A website dedicated to the
fictitious WF&LR, with information on the trains on the layout.
 | Wolverine
Lynx Railroad (WLX): Brian Keay's fictional model railroad.
 | Wuerttembergische Staatsbahnen: Friedrichshafen-Hafenbahn in 1920. Royal
Württemberg State Railways of Germany in the era 1846 - 1920.
(Deutsch) (6/22/02)
 | Wyoming
Division Of The Lehigh Valley Railroad: The layout is set in
1975, just before the onset of Conrail. (9/24/99)
Wyoming Valley Railroad: Freelanced railroad connecting with the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
Anthracite mining and urban modeling featured.
 | Yorba &
Southwestern RR: Take a look at this desert gold mining
operation set in the early 1960s. This is a portable, 4x8 HO scale
layout built by Corey Hatch. (5/18/00) |