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Train Name Empire Empire Empire Empire Empire
Train Number 240 238 242 246 244
Days of Operation Mo-Fr Sa/Su Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Sa
Will also Operate 5/30 5/29
7/4,9/5 7/3,9/4
Will not Operate 5/30 5/30 5/30
7/4,9/5 7/4,9/5 7/4,9/5
miles .
Niagara Falls, NY 0 Dp
Exchange St. 23
Depew 29
Rochester, NY 90
Syracuse, NY 176
Rome, NY 210
Utica, NY [A] 224
Amsterdam, NY 283
Fort Edward-Glens Falls 300
Saratoga Springs, NY 281
Schenectady, NY 301
Albany-Rensselaer, NY 319 Ar
Dp 5:10a 6:00a 6:20a 6:55a 7:00a
Hudson, NY 347 5:35a 6:25a 6:45a 7:20a 7:25a
Rhinecliff-Kingston, NY 372 5:56a 6:46a 7:06a 7:41a 7:46a
Poughkeepsie, NY [N] 387 ---- 7:01a ---- ---- 8:01a
Croton-Harmon, NY [N] 428 6:46a 7:38a 8:01a ---- 8:38a
Yonkers, NY [N] 446 ---- 7:57a ---- ---- 8:57a
New York, NY 461 Ar 7:30a 8:25a 8:45a 9:15a 9:25a
Connecting Train: R185 R155 R141 R141 R143
New York, NY 0 Dp 8:10a 9:05a 9:35a 9:35a 10:05a
Newark, NJ 10 Ar P 8:27a P 9:22a 9:52a 9:52a 10:22a
Trenton, NJ 58 9:05a 10:02a 10:30a 10:30a 11:02a
Philadelphia, PA 91 9:35a 10:32a 11:10a 11:10a 11:29a
Wilmington, DE 116 9:58a 10:54a 11:33a 11:33a 11:54a
Baltimore, MD 185 10:45a 11:42a 12:18p 12:18p 12:42p
Washington, DC 225 Ar 11:30a 12:30p 1:00p 1:00p 1:30p
N -- No local passengers carried between New York and Yonkers, Croton-Harmon,
and Poughkeepsie. Metro-North Railroad provides frequent service between
these stations, and to Grand Central Terminal in New York.
P -- Train stops only to pick up passengers.
R -- All-reserved train.
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Train Name Ethan Allen
Empire Express Empire Empire Empire
Train Number 248 Rn294 254 284 280
Days of Operation Daily Tu-Fr Sa-Mo Mo-Fr Sa
Will also Operate 5/29
Will not Operate 5/30
Niagara Falls, NY Dp 4:05a 5:45a
Buffalo, NY
Exchange St. 4:40a 6:20a
Depew 4:55a 6:35a
Rochester, NY From 5:52a 7:32a
Syracuse, NY Rutland 7:10a 8:50a
Rome, NY 7:49a 9:29a
Utica, NY [Z] 8:08a 9:48a
Amsterdam, NY 9:04a
Saratoga Springs, NY 8:43a
Schenectady, NY 9:23a 9:25a 11:02a
Albany-Rensselaer, NY Ar 10:50a 11:50a
Dp 8:10a 10:00a 10:00a 11:00a 12:00n
Hudson, NY 8:35a 10:25a 10:25a 11:25a 12:25p
Rhinecliff-Kingston, NY 8:56a 10:46a 10:46a 11:46a 12:46p
Poughkeepsie, NY [N] 9:11a 11:01a 11:01a 12:01p 1:01p
Croton-Harmon, NY [N] 9:48a 11:38a 11:38a 12:38p 1:38p
Yonkers, NY [N] 10:07a ---- ---- 12:57p 1:57p
New York, NY Ar 10:35a 12:25p 12:25p 1:25p 2:25p
Connecting Train: R125 R133 R99/R133 R83/R93 R199
New York, NY Dp 11:35a 1:35p V 1:05p 2:05p 3:06p
Newark, NJ Ar P11:52a P 1:52p V 1:22p 2:22p P 3:23p
Trenton, NJ 12:28p 2:30p V 2:02p 3:00p 4:02p
Philadelphia, PA 1:13p 2:57p V 2:32p 3:30p 4:32p
Wilmington, DE 1:36p 3:34p V 2:54p 3:52p 4:54p
Baltimore, D 2:20p 4:23p V 3:42p 4:36p 5:44p
Washington, DC Ar 3:00p 5:10p V 4:30p 5:20p 6:30p
N -- No local passengers carried between New York and Yonkers, Croton-Harmon,
and Poughkeepsie. Metro-North Railroad provides frequent service between
these stations, and to Grand Central Terminal in New York.
R -- Reservations required on this train.
Rn - Reservations required on this train for travel north of Albany.
V -- See connection to 294 for Monday connection R133 schedule.
Z -- Adirondack Railroad Connection with Thendara. For Schedule and information
see Adirondack RR Preservation Society.
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Train Name Lake Shore Ethan Allen
Empire Limited Empire Express Empire Empire
Train Number 256 R48 260 TR292 R282 286
Days of Operation: Su-Fr Daily Tu-Fr V,Mo,Sa Su Mo-Sa
Will also Operate 5/29 5/30 5/29
7/3,9/4 7/4,9/5 7/3,9/4
Will not Operate 5/29 5/30 5/29 5/30
7/3,9/4 7/4,9/5 7/3,9/4 7/4,9/5
Niagara Falls, NY Dp From 7:05a 8:05a
Buffalo, NY Chicago
Exchange St. 7:40a 8:40a
Depew 7:10a 7:55a 8:55a
Rochester, NY 8:08a 8:52a 9:52a
Syracuse, NY 9:26a From 10:10a 11:10n
Rome, NY ---- Rutland 10:49a 11:49p
Utica, NY [Z] 10:22a 11:08a 12:08p
Amsterdam, NY ---- 12:04p X 1:02p
Fort Edward-Glens Falls 12:16p
Saratoga Springs, NY 12:37p
Schenectady, NY 11:39a 1:03p 12:25p 1:22p
Albany-Rensselaer, NY Ar D 12:30p 1:30p 2:00p 3:00p
Dp 12:00n ---- 2:00p T 2:00p 2:15p 3:15p
Hudson, NY 12:25p ---- 2:25p T 2:25p 2:40p 3:40p
Rhinecliff-Kingston, NY 12:46p ---- 2:46p T 2:46p 3:01p 4:01p
Poughkeepsie, NY [N] 1:01p ---- 3:01p T 3:01p 3:16p 4:16p
Croton-Harmon, NY [N] 1:38p D 2:38p 3:38p T 3:38p 3:53p 4:53p
Yonkers, NY [N] 1:57p ---- ---- ---- ---- 5:12p
New York, NY Ar 2:25p 3:25p 4:25p T 4:25p 4:40p 5:55p
Connecting Train: R85/87/199 R135/R193 R193 R135/R193 R135 R2171/R57
New York, NY Dp 3:05p 5:00p 5:39p Y 5:39p 6:05p W 7:00p
Newark, NJ Ar P 3:22p 5:15p P 5:56p YP 5:56p 6:22p W 7:15p
Trenton, NJ 3:55p ---- ---- ---- 7:00p ----
Philadelphia, PA 4:25p 6:09p 6:56p Y 6:56p 7:30p W 8:12p
Wilmington, DE 4:47p 6:29p 7:18p Y 7:18p 7:52p W 8:32p
Baltimore, MD 5:37p 7:09p 8:05p Y 8:05p 8:46p W 9:12p
Washington, DC Ar 6:29p 7:47p 8:50p Y 8:50p 9:30p W 9:50p
B -- Amtrak Thruway bus connection from Jamestown at Buffalo-Exchange St.
D -- Train stops to discharge passengers only.
N -- No local passengers carried between New York and Yonkers, Croton-Harmon,
and Poughkeepsie. Metro-North Railroad provides frequent service between
these stations, and to Grand Central Terminal in New York.
R -- Reservations required on this train.
Rn - Reservations required on this train for travel north of Albany.
Rw - Reservations required on this train for travel west of Albany.
T -- July 30-September 3, 2005 train operates Albany-Rensselaer to New York only on
Saturday and September 4 as train 272 offering unreserved coach seating.
U -- Train 629 departs New York at 5:30p and arrives in Trenton at 6:20p.
V -- Train operates Monday only July 30 to September 5.
W -- Saturday train R57 to Washington departs New York at 6:55p and arrives
in Washington at 10:20p.
X -- Saturday only.
Y -- weekend train 135 operates about 30 minutes later than the times shown.
Z -- Adirondack Railroad Connection with Thendara. For Schedule and information
see Adirondack RR Preservation Society.
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Train Name: Adirondack Maple Ethan Allen
Empire Empire Leaf Express Empire
Train Number 262 R68 268 R64 Rn296 288
Days of Operation Daily Daily Su Daily Su Su
Will also Operate 5/30 5/30 5/30
7/4,9/5 7/4,9/5 7/4,9/5
Will not Operate 5/30 5/29 5/29 5/29
7/4,9/5 7/3,9/4 7/3,9/4 7/3,9/4
Niagara Falls, NY Dp 12:35p 3:00p
Buffalo, NY
Exchange St. B 1:10p 3:35p
Depew 1:25p 3:50p
Rochester, NY 2:22p 4:47p
Syracuse, NY 3:45p 6:05p
Rome, NY From 4:24p From 6:44p
Utica, NY [A] Montréal 4:41p Rutland 7:03p
Amsterdam, NY 5:37p 7:59p
Fort Edward-Glens Falls 3:15p 6:46p
Saratoga Springs, NY 3:38p 7:07p
Schenectady, NY 4:23p 5:56p 7:38p 8:20p
Albany-Rensselaer, NY Ar 5:05p 6:45p 8:05p 9:05p
Dp 4:15p 5:15p 6:15p 7:15p 8:15p 9:15p
Hudson, NY 4:40p 5:40p 6:40p 7:40p 8:40p 9:40p
Rhinecliff-Kingston, NY 5:01p 6:01p 7:01p 8:01p 9:01p 10:01p
Poughkeepsie, NY [N] 5:16p 6:16p 7:16p 8:16p 9:16p 10:16p
Croton-Harmon, NY [N] 5:53p 6:53p 7:53p 8:53p 9:53p 10:53p
Yonkers, NY [N] 6:12p 7:12p 8:12p 9:12p 10:12p ----
New York, NY Ar 6:40p 7:40p 8:40p 9:45p 10:45p 11:45p
Connecting Train: R175/R165 187/R167 R167 R197/639 631 R67
New York, NY. Dp Y 7:35p Z 9:00p 9:05p X11:05p 11:59p 3:00a
Newark, NJ Ar Y 7:52p ZP 9:17p 9:22p X11:22p 12:15a 3:20a
Trenton, NJ Y 8:30p Z 9:30p 10:01p X11:57p 12:54a 4:03a
Philadelphia, PA Y 9:10p Z10:20p 10:32p X12:25a 1:25a 4:50a
Wilmington, DE Y 9:33p Z10:42p 10:54p W 5:15a W 5:15a 5:13a
Baltimore, MD Y10:18p Z11:30p 11:42p W 6:10a W 6:10a 6:10a
Washington, DC Ar Y11:00p Z12:15a 12:30a W 7:00a W 7:00a 7:00a
B -- Amtrak Thruway bus connection from Jamestown at Buffalo-Exchange St.
N -- No local passengers carried between New York and Yonkers, Croton-Harmon,
and Poughkeepsie. Metro-North Railroad provides frequent service between
these stations, and to Grand Central Terminal in New York.
P -- Train stops to pick up passengers.
R -- Reservations required on this train.
Rn - Reservations required on this train for travel north of Albany.
Rw - Reservations required on this train for travel west of Albany.
W -- Connection is train 67, departing New York at 3:00a, arriving in
Wilmington at 5:50a, Baltimore at 6:42a and Washington at 7:00a.
X -- Weekday train 639 departs New York at 11:59p and arrives in
Philadelphia at 1:25a.
Y -- Weekend train 165 departs New York at 7:55p and arrives in
Washington at 11:20p.
Z -- See train 167 connection with train 268 for weekend schedule.
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Amtrak Thruway Connecting Services:
Buffalo - Dunkirk - Fredonia - Jamestown
Connecting Train No. 286/282 R64/288
Thruway Bus Number 8286 8064
Days of Operation Daily Daily
miles .
Jamestown, NY (ET) 0 Dp 6:05a 10:55a
Fredonia, NY - SUNY 28 6:48a 11:38a
Dunkirk, NY 33 Dp 6:57a 11:50a
Buffalo-Exchange St. Sta.,NY 78 Ar 8:00a 1:00p
Operated by Empire Transit.
See separate schedules for trains from Rutland, Montreal,
and Amtrak Thruway Bus and VIA Rail connections from Toronto
Services On Board Empire
Corridor Trains
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