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Schedule effective: October 30, 2006

Reservations required on all trains. See your travel agent, call 1-800-USA-RAIL, or visit for reservations and fare information.

Amtrak's Empire Service

New York - Albany - Syracuse -
Rochester - Buffalo - Niagara Falls

With connecting service from Washington

Check with Amtrak for the latest information on connections from Washington.

Reservations required on trains marked R.

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Train Name                      Maple Leaf    Adirondack     Empire   Empire   Empire
Train Number                       Rw63      R71      R69      287      281      279
Days of Operation                  Daily    Sa/Su    Mo-Fr    Sa/Su    Mo-Fr    Sa/Su
Will also Operate                           5/30              5/30              5/30
                                           7/4,9/5           7/4,9/5           7/4,9/5  
Will not Operate                                     5/30              5/30
                                                    7/4,9/5           7/4,9/5 
Connecting Train No.             R190/R150  R150     R170     R160    AR2154     R54
                       miles                                                        .
Washington, DC            0  Dp    3:00a    3:00a    4:35a    5:25a    7:00a    7:30a
Baltimore, MD            40        3:35a    3:35a    5:16a    6:07a    7:35a    8:10a
Wilmington, DE          109        4:30a    4:30a    6:01a    6:55a    8:18a    8:57a
Philadelphia, PA        135        5:15a    5:15a    6:24a    7:18a    8:38a    9:20a
Trenton,                167        5:45a    5:45a    ----     7:47a    ----     9:50a
Newark, NJ              215        6:22a    6:22a    7:22a    8:25a    9:31a   10:27a
New York, NY            225  Ar    6:40a    6:40a    7:40a    8:45a    9:48a   10:45a

New York, NY              0  Dp    7:15a    7:45a    8:15a    9:45a   10:45a   11:45p
Yonkers, NY       [N]    14        7:39a    ----     ----     ----    11:09a   12:09p
Croton-Harmon, NY [N]    32        7:58a    8:26a    8:56a   10:26a   11:29a   12:29p
Poughkeepsie, NY  [N]    73        8:37a    9:05a    9:35a   11:05a   12:07p    1:07p
Rhinecliff-Kingston, NY  88        8:52a    9:20a    9:50a   11:20a   12:22p  L 1:22p
Hudson, NY              114        9:15a    9:43a   10:13a   11:43a   12:45p  L 1:45p
Albany-Rensselaer, NY   141  Ar    9:45a   10:15a   10:40a   12:15p    1:15p    2:15p
                             Dp   10:00a   10:25a   10:55a   12:25p    1:25p   
Schenectady, NY         159       10:23a   10:48a   11:19a   12:48p    1:48p   
Saratoga Springs, NY    179                11:16a   11:47a
Fort Edward-Glens Falls 198                11:37a   12:09p
Amsterdam, NY           177       10:40a                      ----     2:05p
Utica, NY         [Z]   237       11:39a     To       To      2:02p    3:04p
Rome, NY                250       11:53a  Montréal Montréal   ----     3:18p    
Syracuse, NY            291       12:40p                      3:00p    4:05p
Rochester, NY           370        1:56p                      4:20p    5:25p
   Depew                431        2:56p                    L 5:21p  L 6:26p
   Exchange St.         437      B 3:09p                    L 5:34p  L 6:39p
Niagara Falls, NY       460  Ar    4:10p                      6:45p    7:50p        .

A -- All reserved, premium fare Acela Express.
B -- Amtrak Thruway bus Mo-Th connection to Jamestown at Buffalo-Exchange St
D -- Stops only to discharge passengers..
L -- Train may depart before time shown.
N -- No local passengers carried between Yonkers, Croton-Harmon, and Poughkeepsie.
     Metro-North Railroad provides frequent service between these stations, and to
     Grand Central Terminal in New York.
R -- Reservations required on this train.
Z -- Adirondack Railroad Connection with Thendara.  For Schedule and information
     see Adirondack RR Preservation Society.
[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Other Amtrak schedules]

Train Name                    Empire   Empire   Ethan   Empire  Empire Lake Shore
                                            Allen Express                Limited
Train Number                   251    R283      R291     255      257      R49
Days of Operation             Mo-Fr   Daily     Sa-Th     Fr     Su-Fr    Daily 
Will not Operate              5/30                              5/29-30 
                             7/4,9/5                          7/3-4,9/4-5 
Connecting Train No.           R84  R174/R164 R86/R82     R86    76/R88  76/R88
                                                                   176      176
Washington, DC          Dp    8:35a    9:25a  W10:20a   10:30a  Y11:25a  Y11:25a
Baltimore, MD                 9:17a   10:07a  W11:02a   11:13a  Y12:07p  Y12:07p
Wilmington, DE               10:03a   10:55a  W11:55a   11:58a  Y12:55p  Y12:55p
Philadelphia, PA             10:26a   11:18a  W12:18p   12:21p  Y 1:18p  Y 1:18p
Trenton, NJ                  11:55a   11:47a  W12:47p   12:50p  Y 1:47p  Y 1:47p
Newark, NJ                  D11:26a  D12:25p  W 1:25p    1:25p  Y 2:25p  Y 2:25p
New York, NY            Ar   11:46p   12:45p  W 1:45p    1:43p  Y 2:45p  Y 2:45p

New York, NY            Dp   12:45p    1:45p    2:45p    2:45p    3:45p    3:50p
Yonkers, NY        [N]        1:09p    2:09p    3:09p    3:09p    4:09p    ----
Croton-Harmon, NY  [N]        1:29p    2:29p    3:29p    3:29p    4:29p  P 4:33p
Poughkeepsie, NY   [N]        2:07p    3:07p    4:07p    4:07p    5:07p    ----
Rhinecliff-Kingston, NY       2:22p    3:22p    4:22p    4:22p    5:22p    ----
Hudson, NY                    2:45p    3:45p    4:45p    4:45p    5:45p    ----
Albany-Rensselaer, NY   Ar    3:15p    4:15p    5:15p    5:15p    6:15p  
                        Dp             4:25p    5:25p                    P 6:50p
Schenectady, NY                        4:48p    5:49p                      7:16p
Saratoga Springs, NY                            6:17p
Fort edward-Glens Falls                         6:38p
Amsterdam, NY                          5:05p                               ----
Utica, NY          [Z]                 6:04p     To                        8:29p
Rome, NY                               6:18p   Rutland                     ----
Syracuse, NY                           7:05p                               9:26p
Rochester, NY                          8:25p                              10:45p
Buffalo, NY                                                               11:55p
  Depew                              L 9:26p                                To
  Exchange St.                       L 9:39p                              Chicago
Niagara Falls, NY       Ar            10:50p                                   .

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
L -- Stops primarily to discharge passengers; train may leave before time shown.
N -- No local passengers carried between Yonkers, Croton-Harmon, and Poughkeepsie.
     Metro-North Railroad provides frequent service between these stations, and to
     Grand Central Terminal in New York.
P -- Train stops only to receive passengers.
R -- Reservations required on this train.
W -- Trains R82, R86, and R154 operate within a few minutes of each other.
Y -- Trains 76, R88, and R176 operate within a few minutes of each other.
Z -- Adirondack Railroad Connection with Thendara.  For Schedule and information 
     see Adirondack RR Preservation Society.
[Top of this page] [Return trip][Other Amtrak schedules]

Train Name                    Empire   Empire   Ethan   Empire  Empire  Empire 
                                            Allen Express      
Train Number                   259      265     Rn293     267      269      271
Days of Operation             Mo-Fr    Sa-Th     Fr      Mo-Fr    Sa/Su    Mo-Fr 
Will also Operate                                                 5/30 
Will not Operate              5/30                       5/30              5/30
                             7/4,9/5                    7/4,9/5           7/4,9/5 
Connecting Train No.          R176  R186/R194   R186     R148     R168     R178
Washington, DC          Dp   12:05p  V 1:05p    1:05p    3:05p    3:25p    4:05p
Baltimore, MD                12:47p  V 1:47p    1:47p    3:47p    4:07p    4:47p
Wilmington, DE                1:33p  V 2:38p    2:38p    4:37p    4:55a    5:33p
Philadelphia, PA              1:56p  V 3:01p    3:01p    5:00p    5:18p    5:56p
Trenton, NJ                   2:25p  V 3:30p    3:30p    5:29p    5:47p    6:25p
Newark, NJ                    3:00p DV 4:06p  D 4:06p    6:07p    6:25p    7:00p
New York, NY            Ar    3:16p  V 4:25p    4:25p    6:25p    6:45p    7:16p

New York, NY            Dp    4:35p    5:45p    5:45p    7:10p    7:45p    8:20p
Yonkers, NY        [N]        ----     ----     ----     7:34p    8:09p    8:44p
Croton-Harmon, NY  [N]        ----     6:26p    6:26p    7:53p    8:28p    9:03p
Poughkeepsie, NY   [N]        ----     7:10p    7:10p    8:32p    9:07p    9:42p
Rhinecliff-Kingston, NY     L 6:05p    7:25p    7:25p  L 8:47p  L 9:22p  L 9:57p
Hudson, NY                  L 6:28p    7:48p    7:48p  L 9:10p  L 9:45p  L10:20p
Albany-Rensselaer, NY   Ar    6:55p    8:15p    8:15p    9:40p   10:15p   10:50p
                        Dp                      8:25p
Schenectady, NY                                 8:49p                 
Saratoga Springs, NY                            9:17p             
Amsterdam, NY                                 
Utica, NY          [Z]                           To  
Rome, NY                                       Rutland 
Syracuse, NY                       
Rochester, NY                    
Buffalo, NY                   
  Exchange St.                                                       
Niagara Falls, NY       Ar                                                     .

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
L -- Stops primarily to discharge passengers; train may leave before time shown.
N -- No local passengers carried between Yonkers, Croton-Harmon, and Poughkeepsie.
     Metro-North Railroad provides frequent service between these stations, and to
     Grand Central Terminal in New York.
P -- Train stops only to receive passengers.
R -- Reservations required on this train.
V -- Weekend train R194 operates about 20 minutes later than time shown.
Z -- Adirondack Railroad Connection with Thendara.  For Schedule and information 
     see Adirondack RR Preservation Society.
[Top of this page] [Return trip][Other Amtrak schedules]


Train Name                   Empire   Empire   Empire
Train Number                   275      273      277
Days of Operation             Sa/Su    Mo-Th    Fr-Su 
Will also Operate             5/30              5/30
                             7/4,9/5           7/4,9/5 
Will not Operate                       5/30              
Connecting Train No.          R192     R138  188/R182
Washington, DC          Dp    5:20p    6:10p  W 7:10p
Baltimore, MD                 6:02p    6:49p  W 7:52p
Wilmington, DE                6:55p    7:34p  W 8:41p
Philadelphia, PA              7:18p    7:57p  W 9:05p
Trenton, NJ                   7:47p    8:25p  W 9:33p
Newark, NJ                  D 8:23p  D 9:06p  D10:08p
New York, NY            Ar    8:45p    9:25p  W10:26p

New York, NY                  9:45p   10:45p   11:45p
Yonkers, NY       [N]        10:09p    ----     ----
Croton-Harmon     [N]        10:28p   11:26p   12:26a
Poughkeepsie      [N]        11:07p   12:05a    1:05a
Rhinecliff-Kingston, NY     L11:22p  L12:20a  L 1:20a
Hudson, NY                  L11:45p  L12:42a  L 1:42a
Albany-Rensselaer, NY   Ar   12:15a    1:15a    2:15a

D -- Stops only to discharge passengers.
L -- Stops primarily to discharge passengers; train may leave before time shown.
N -- No local passengers carried between Yonkers, Croton-Harmon, and Poughkeepsie.
     Metro-North Railroad provides frequent service between these stations, and to
     Grand Central Terminal in New York,
R -- Reservations required on this train.
W -- Weekend train 182 operates 15 minutes later than time shown.
[Top of this page] [Return trip][Other Amtrak schedules]

Connecting Thruway Services

Jamestown - Buffalo/Exchange

Connecting Train                    R63    281/287
Thruway Bus Number                 8063     8281
Days of Operation                  Daily    Daily
Buffalo-Exchange, NY  (ET)  0  Dp  3:48p    7:48p
Dunkirk  NY                45      7:15p   10:49p
Fredonia, NY - SUNY        50      7:29p   10:53p
Jamestown       NY         78  Ar  8:15p   11:40p
Operated by Empire Transit.

Services On Board Empire Corridor Trains:

[Top of this page] [Return trip] [Back to schedule index] (2K) These schedules are unofficial, but are authorized by Amtrak. Official schedules are available at
While we try to keep this information correct and current, neither the authors, editor, and sysops, nor Amtrak can accept responsibility for errors and omissions in the on-line timetables.
For ticket pricing, ordering and seasonal time changes please visit or call 1-800-USA-RAIL
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